Category Archives: Barry Obama

When It Comes To Obama’s New Climate Rules, Guess Who Wins The Most?

Is it those women, treated like hothouse flowers in need of rescuing by Warmists, who are constantly held up as being victims of “climate change”? Kids? Animals? Nope US climate policy winners and losers: lawyers come out on top In the wake of the EPA’s clean power plan, a host of lawsuits indicate that the […]

NY Times: Say, Good Paying Jobs Are Missing In The Obameconomy

Obviously, the NY Times Editorial Board won’t blame Obama, like they would have had it been Bush in office, or any Republican, but, as the saying goes “who’s President?” Remember back to June 7, 2005, when the Times published this The Bush Economy …. Mr. Johnston’s article quotes a prominent economist who argues that people […]

Guess Who’s Benefited The Most During The Obameconomy?

That would be the top 10% of income earners (Washington Times) Under President Obama, the richest 10 percent were the only income group of Americans to see their median incomes rise, according to a survey released this week by the Federal Reserve. The Fed data covered the years 2010-2013, during which period Mr. Obama constantly […]

Obama Official On ISIS Strategy: “Stay Tuned”

The Obama administration has often been compared to celebrity status. Now it goes one step further in looking like a television show. Oh, and highlighting that they do not actually have a strategy (The Hill) A senior State Department official urged critics of President Obama to “stay tuned” for the administration’s plans against the Islamic […]

Obama’s Been Briefed For A Year On ISIS Danger

I heard about this in the morning on Fox News, but was waiting for a link (Fox News) A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of […]

NY Times: Hey, Wages Stink In The Obameconomy, So Let’s Pass Laws

It’s Labor Day 2014, so, obviously, media outlets across the country are writing opinion pieces and opinion pieces disguised as news articles calling for a minimum wage increase, along with things like women making 75% less than men (debunked. Except for the White House, of course, where women make less than men). And, here comes […]

Media Decides That Obama Is “Cool And Calm” In A Crisis

Not all. After Mr. Obama’s strange press conference the other day, yammering on about not having a strategy, coming out looking less than presidential in that tan suit, the Washington Post editorial board ripped him up one side and down the other Obama’s cool head in a crisis — asset or growing liability? He doesn’t […]

Semi-Retired President To Push Major “Green” Standards Changes For Appliances

Yesterday we learned that the EU is planning on some major controls of small appliances, like hair dryers, smartphones, and electric kettles, to go with their controls on large appliances. Obama doesn’t like to be outdone (The Hill) The Obama administration is working on new efficiency standards for seemingly every appliance but the kitchen sink. […]

Semi-Retired President At Fundraiser: Things Are Pretty Darned Peaceful

Only in Obama World (The Blaze) President Barack Obama said at a Democratic National Committee event Friday night that things are safer today than they were in the previous three decades. “[I] promise you things are much less dangerous now than they were 20 years ago, 25 years ago or 30 years ago,” Obama said […]

What Should Obama Do About ISIS?

Jeff asked, in regards to Charles Krauthammer saying Obama dithers too much I know it’s fruitless to ask, but what would you have us do with ISIS/ISIL? I could give the Lefty answer for when Bush was president “I’m not president”. We could talk about this being Obama’s problem, since Islamists are streaming to join […]

Pirate's Cove