August 27, 2014 – 7:52 am
Maybe Obama needs to add ASOTHUS (Applause Sign Of The USA) to go with TOTUS (The Blaze) President Barack Obama at times faced an unenthusiastic crowd as he addressed American military veterans at American Legion’s National convention on Tuesday. As the Daily Mail puts it, Obama received “awkward silences where White House speechwriters expected ovations.†[…]
August 26, 2014 – 7:10 am
Mr. Krauthammer had an interesting take on Obama and his administrations inability to get it together in terms of ISIS/ISIL (Fox News) Last week, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said ISIS was an imminent threat, but Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said Monday that the group was not a direct threat to the U.S. […]
August 23, 2014 – 8:50 am
Seriously, I just can’t understand why anyone would call him tone deaf (video here) (White House) One place to start is by supporting something called the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Its sole mission is to create American jobs. That’s it. It helps many American entrepreneurs take that next step and take their small business global. But […]
August 14, 2014 – 8:43 am
Briefly briefed (The Hill) President Obama was briefed by top administration officials Wednesday night as protests over the shooting of an unarmed black teenager turned violent in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. Then, party time! President Barack Obama attended a birthday celebration for Ann Jordan at the Farm Neck Golf Club in Martha’s Vinyard […]
August 14, 2014 – 8:10 am
Why should he? You’ll do what Mr. “I’ve got a phone and a pen” says regardless, so he can treat you like a weekend mistress (The Hill) House Democrats are frustrated with what they say is a lack of election-year communication from the White House. The lawmakers say it’s difficult to defend President Obama from […]
August 12, 2014 – 8:31 am
Hey, don’t blame me for the headline: blame either Dana Milbank or a Washington Post editor for it, as Milbank notes that the optics of Obama playing golf and vacationing are not particularly good (Washington Post) President Obama must really be teed off. Hillary Rodham Clinton, his once-loyal secretary of state and his likeliest successor, […]
August 9, 2014 – 6:53 am
This week, with Iraq in full meltdown, Mr. Obama addresses the issues, to a small degree (White House) This week, I authorized two operations in Iraq. First, I directed our military to take action to protect our American diplomats and military advisors serving in the city of Erbil. In recent days, terrorist forces neared the […]
August 8, 2014 – 9:37 am
Seriously, is there anything to be cynical about? Isn’t everything all lollipops and unicorns? (The Hill) President Obama’s message in 2008 was hope and change. In 2012, it was change takes time. In 2014, it’s don’t be so cynical. As Obama struggles with the lowest approval ratings in his presidency and the real chance his […]
August 7, 2014 – 7:43 am
Trolling the opinion pages of the major news outlets is an easy way to find bat guano insane, or, heck, just plain stupid opinion pieces, by far left ideologues. There’s always plenty of La La Land material, especially if one visits the NY Times and Washington Post. Today is like every other day, and here’s […]
August 6, 2014 – 8:29 am
Obviously, he’s looking for positive ways to get companies to stay, right? (NY Times) The Obama administration is weighing plans to circumvent Congress and act on its own to curtail tax benefits for United States companies that relocate overseas to lower their tax bills, seeking to stanch a recent wave of so-called corporate inversions, Treasury […]