August 4, 2014 – 8:57 am
Nice to see that The Hill is about 5 years late on this notion The White House’s emerging strategy for the midterm elections is to run against a “mean†Congress. President Obama has made that tack known more than ever in recent days. In the last week, he’s accused Republicans of getting into disagreements with […]
August 1, 2014 – 10:00 am
It’s what he said after that that really brings it on home (St. Louis Today) Told of the “hating” quote, Blunt said it sounded like “the kinds of things that happen in junior high, when you say that somebody else is a really bad person. “That is no way to begin to work with that […]
July 31, 2014 – 8:38 am
By the way, will Obama be required to pay for the full use of Air Force One, since he really had no official, presidential duties event on the schedule? His supposed events were strictly partisan. Shocking! (CNS News) As President Barack Obama accuses Republicans of wasting taxpayer money on a lawsuit against him, Obama himself […]
July 31, 2014 – 8:04 am
Here are a few points from the Republicans articles of Impeachment for Obama Article XXIV: Spying on American Citizens, Without a Court-Ordered Warrant, in Violation of the Law and the Fourth Amendment Article XXVI: Announcing the Intent to Violate Laws with Signing Statements Article XXVII Failing to Comply with Congressional Subpoenas and Instructing Former Employees […]
July 29, 2014 – 9:30 am
And then he flies off to Kansas City, probably for a fundraiser (The Hill)Â Keeping with his year of action, President Obama on Tuesday will announce more initiatives his administration will implement to tackle climate change. As the Environmental Protection Agency launches the second-phase of its extensive outreach on Obama’s signature climate rule Tuesday, the White […]
July 29, 2014 – 7:06 am
I’m not quite sure if I agree with Erik Erickson’s full assessment, but he makes a good case For the longest time I have chosen to chalk our President’s stumbles, bumbles, and disasters up to incompetence. He is in over his head. He is inexperienced. He is out of his league. It is hard to […]
July 25, 2014 – 8:10 am
Hmm, Newsweek has an interesting expose by Ben Judah The President wakes late and eats shortly after noon. He begins with the simplest of breakfasts. There is always cottage cheese. His cooked portion is always substantial; omelette or occasionally porridge. He likes quails’ eggs. He drinks fruit juice. The food is forever fresh: baskets of […]
July 24, 2014 – 7:39 am
Having solved all the problems in the world, Mr. Obama headed to Los Angeles Wednesday for a bunch of high toned fancy to do fundraisers, and the dock was off-limit to civilians (The Blaze) Witnesses say a pregnant woman in labor was prevented by authorities from crossing a Los Angeles street to a hospital Wednesday […]
July 23, 2014 – 7:34 am
Had it been a Republican acting in the manner we’ve seen from Obama, vis a vis foreign policy, members of the liberal media, including the Washington Post, would have excoriated that Republican. With Obama, they simply wag a finger with a tsk tsk tsk. Even so, it’s interesting to note that the Washington Post Editorial […]
July 22, 2014 – 9:19 am
And by “schedule”, I’m referring to all the non-POTUS business events, such as golf, campaigning, fundraising, meet and greets, that Obama constantly does (Daily Caller) White House spokesman Josh Earnest affirmed Monday that the president won’t cancel any of his fundraising events this week despite the major international crises in Israel and Ukraine. President Barack […]