Category Archives: Barry Obama

Surprise: Obama Uses Weekly Address To Attack Republicans

This. Is. Pathetic. We have a massive crisis regarding illegal aliens, most of which are under the age of 18. He’s just requested $3.7 billion for this crisis. Many of them are gang members and have diseases. And there are plenty more problems occurring. One would think the President Of The United States would cover […]

Obama Staff: #TheBearIsLoose” Or Something

Even The Washington Post’s Juliet Eilperin can’t avoid writing in a snarky tone over this Bears, beer and horse heads: What exactly is going on with the leader of the free world? On a single day this week in Denver, President Obama scarfed down pizza and drinks with strangers, shot pool with Colorado’s governor and […]

Obama Looks To Shift Border Surge Blame To GOP

Everyone should have seen this coming, as Obama is Blaming Republicans for the results of Obama’s foolish, to put it mildly, border/immigration policies (WRAL) Faced with a potentially awkward scene at the Texas-Mexico border, President Barack Obama sought to recast the political debate over a flood of young migrants as a question of Republican willingness […]

Sarah Palin Joins The Impeach Obama Crowd

Yeah, I’m a little late to this story. Took a drive to the beach for a few days, and had a bit of a problem with something hitting the server. Oh, well. Here’s Sarah Palin (Breitbart) Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president. His unsecured border crisis is the last straw […]

Lack Of Deportations A Big Factor In Illegal Alien Border Surge

Obama will probably find out about the failures of his border policies once he reads the news (Breitbart) A leaked internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) indicates that recent public assertions made by the Administration were at best half-truths regarding the deportations and motivations of the waves […]

Are Feds Bringing Riot Squads To Block Illegal Alien Protesters?

If this Breitbart report is correct, this is a dangerous escalation of the federal government’s use of blatant power, which violates multiple 1st Amendment Rights As illegal immigrants continue to spill across the U.S.-Mexico border, federal authorities are attempting to relocate the migrants from South Texas to housing facilities in states across the nation. One […]

Losing The Senate Would Be Good For Obama Or Something

Um, yeah, sure, uh-huh. Looks like Dana Milbank has written off Democrats keeping the Senate and has moved to spin For Obama, loss of the Senate could be freeing (lots of whining about Obama not getting credit for our super awesome economy (sic)) No wonder this bear wants to break loose. And maybe he will […]

Obama Looking For Way To Get Women Free Abortifacients

This is something that has them Highly Concerned (NY Times) The Obama administration, reeling from back-to-back blows from the Supreme Court this week, is weighing options that would provide contraceptive coverage to thousands of women who are about to lose it or never had it because of their employers’ religious objections. The administration must move […]

Surprise: Most Think Obama’s Incompetent, A Total SCOAMF

Perhaps Joe Biden had a point about the presidency not lending itself to on the job training (Atlantic Wire) When asked a question often discussed with dread at family Thanksgiving dinners, a plurality of voters —  33 percent — believe President Obama (or “Nobummer,” amirite?) is the worst president since World War II. In second […]

Unilateral President Says He’ll Go It Alone On Immigration

He’s got a pen. He’s got a phone. He refuses to use either of them to reach across the aisle. Instead, he demands that things be done his way, and his way only. Establishment Republicans would love to pass amnesty, er, a pathway to citizenship, but there is no trust that Obama will do anything […]

Pirate's Cove