June 30, 2014 – 8:02 am
If they have, we shouldn’t be surprised. Canada has become more and more upset over the dithering by Team Obama, and has threatened many times that they will give up on the U.S. and send the tar sands oil elsewhere, particularly to China (via Anthony Watts) (Breitbart) Claiming it could no longer abide the Obama […]
June 29, 2014 – 8:22 am
This is an interesting turn of events for a guy and his administration who had essentially created the current situation at the border (NY Times) (NM) President Obama will ask Congress to provide more than $2 billion in new funds to control the surge of illegal Central American migrants at the South Texas border, and […]
June 28, 2014 – 6:48 am
Barack Obama has a little over a year and a half left in his disastrous and failed presidency, and he is getting more and more whiny , above and beyond his normal whining. And his typical blamestorming and castigation. Here he goes again during the Weekly Address (video here) Hi, everybody. This week, I spent […]
June 27, 2014 – 8:40 am
Because he cares about average Americans and is totally in touch with what you care about, or something (Politico) President Barack Obama headed out of Washington on Thursday to offer assurance to Americans that he hasn’t lost touch with the issues that guide their daily lives — or their complaints about the political system. “Are […]
June 23, 2014 – 11:00 am
Obviously, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski was heavily intoxicated, or perhaps was hanging with Maureen Dowd in Colorado, when she decided to ask Obama a tough question. Well, more than likely, she was attempting to give Obama a way to hit some talking points (Mediaite) In an interview pre-taped Friday but aired on Morning Joe Monday morning, […]
June 21, 2014 – 7:36 am
There are lots of important things, well, really, Important Things, going on in the country and world right now. The VA scandal. Illegals streaming across the border like we’ve never seen. Iraq in meltdown. Benghazi. The IRS scandal. Heck, Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi being held in a Mexican jail (an issue which Obama failed to […]
June 17, 2014 – 8:04 am
Mr. Obama can talked about there being more deportations than ever, but that notion has now gone out the window. Most of those deportations were illegals caught crossing and almost immediately sent home. Due to Obama admin policies and discourse, illegals, especially young ones, are streaming across the border, some with parents, some without. They […]
June 16, 2014 – 7:22 am
Poor guy. Constantly having the pressure of having to do hard work in the job he campaigned for. Twice. (Yahoo News) It’s perhaps appropriate that President Barack Obama is vacationing this weekend in California, where the state flag features a roaming grizzly. The restless president, who has compared himself to a caged animal on recent […]
June 15, 2014 – 7:11 pm
A follow up to this mornings post regarding Obama’s silly commencement speech, where CNN had stated that Obama referred to skeptics as “deniers” (I refused to listen to the video), but failed to include any supporting quotes. Nor did I find anything on the ‘net to bring it up. However, perusing Bishop Hill’s blog, I […]
June 15, 2014 – 8:16 am
I noted yesterday that (NMP) Obama was going to mention “climate change” during his UC Irvine commencement speech. I probably should have anticipated that he would go off the reservation and go hyper-partisan on the issue, attacking, denigrating, and insulting Skeptics. Because that’s what he constantly does, regardless of the issue. Basically, he’s an asshole […]