May 27, 2014 – 7:01 am
As the VA scandal rolls along, with much of the major media wanting to ignore it or bury the coverage deep in the website/newspaper, many are trying to use distraction-blame. Obviously, Democrats are trying to Blame Bush. He certainly does bare some blame. But, as the liberal talking point regarding 9/11 went, “who’s president now?”, […]
May 25, 2014 – 8:23 am
So far, Mr. Obama’s foreign policy has been a mess. Yes, he does have a few successes. He ordered (after massive prodding) the attack that killed Bin Laden. Which ticks off Islamists, but, to hell with them. He got Anwar Al Awlaki (which has gotten him attacked by people on the left and right for […]
May 24, 2014 – 4:18 pm
No worries, Obama and his 1%er friends will be A-OK (AP) Electricity prices are probably on their way up across much of the U.S. as coal-fired plants, the dominant source of cheap power, shut down in response to environmental regulations and economic forces. New and tighter pollution rules and tough competition from cleaner sources such […]
May 24, 2014 – 7:24 am
I don’t want to jump on the Bystander President too much, because he offers nice sentiments (video here) (White House) Hi, everybody.  It’s Memorial Day weekend – a chance for Americans to get together with family and friends, break out the grill, and kick off the unofficial start of summer.  More importantly, it’s a time […]
May 23, 2014 – 8:30 am
Yet another problem at a VA hospital? Obama will be madder than hell, and get right on it (Fox News) A VA police officer says administrators at the hospital in Miami where he works are covering up crimes at the facility, including evidence of physical abuse of patients and drug dealing. Thomas Fiore, who still […]
May 22, 2014 – 4:38 pm
And, by “down to work”, I mean he’s doing what he does best: fundraising and being the Tourist President. Here’s today’s schedule, via White House Dossier 10:00 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing 10:45 am || Meets with travel and tourism executives; Roosevelt Room 1:05 pm || Departs White House 2:30 pm || Arrives […]
May 22, 2014 – 8:18 am
As many of you know, I’m not a big fan of Sarah Palin anymore, but she does make a good, cogent point about the World Of Obama (Mediaite) Sarah Palin joined Sean Hannity Wednesday night to take on everything from the VA to the war on women, but Palin was particularly fired up about slamming […]
May 21, 2014 – 7:07 am
If only Obama had some sort of law enforcement agency which is really, really good at investigating stuff at his beck and call (Washington Post) One of President Obama’s top aides is being dispatched to Phoenix this week to investigate deaths allegedly connected to a Department of Veterans Affairs medical center there, part of the […]
May 20, 2014 – 7:19 am
The big question is, how does this administration have any credibility left? Can you imagine the response had any of Bush’s press secretaries tried this? (Real Clear Politics) JIM ACOSTA, CNN: When was the president first made aware of these problems? Of these fraudulent lists that were being kept to hide the wait times, when […]
May 20, 2014 – 7:04 am
Obama’s Big Libyan Adventure is working out so well! (CNN) The U.S. military has doubled the number of aircraft standing by in Italy if needed to evacuate Americans from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya, CNN has learned. A decision to evacuate as violence in the Libyan capital grows is “minute by minute, hour by […]