Category Archives: Barry Obama

Obama Warned About VA Problems In 2008

A quick follow up to the earlier post, where I wonder why Obama wasn’t getting ahead of the VA scandal, because it really wasn’t his fault, and would be a way to show his leadership, and, instead, was seemingly treating this the way they treat all the scandals created by his administration. Perhaps this is […]

Whew! Obama’s “Madder Than Hell” When It Comes To VA Scandal

Just not mad enough to say it himself (The Blaze) The White House chief of staff said President Barack Obama is “madder than hell” about reports of treatment delays at veterans’ hospitals across the country. Top aide Denis McDonough told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday added concerning his boss’ take on the situation: “I’ve […]

NY Times: Grading Obama’s Foreign Policy

Ross Douthat posts a remarkably honest, well, honest for someone who works for the uber-leftist NY Times, piece on the utter miserable failure of Obama’s foreign policy. I’m sure most of you will already implicitly understand all his points, things we Conservatives have already mentioned. Liberals might be surprised, though (NY Times) SECOND terms are […]

Obama Claims Illegal Alien Enforcement Isn’t Smart

I wonder if Obama will jump in on the latest Alec Baldwin controversy, where the NYPD stopped him for going the wrong way on his bicycle and they were going to ticket him. That’s right. Ticket him. Supposedly, he got snappy and they arrested him. I’d be ticked if I was going to get a […]

Politico: You Know, You Silly Benghazi Believers….

There’s been quite a few complaints that the news media, which is mostly left leaning and Democrat voters, have refused to do their jobs on Benghazi. There have been a few intrepid and dogged reporters, yet, for the most part, it has been more about defending Team Obama and attacking citizens who just want answers. […]

WSJ: Obama’s Climate Bomb It was also called a bad work of science fiction by Tucano’s Perch. It’s actually worse (via The Hockey Schtick, where you can read the entire Wall Street Journal article, which is behind the paywall) Obama’s Climate Bomb Supervising the Earth’s climate—or at least believing humanity can achieve such miracles—may be the only political […]

Obama’s Day: Whine About Climate Change, Unveil Solar Panels At White House

Mr. Obama, already in California for a bunch of fundraisers with a bunch of hoity toity 1%ers, wrapped a few official functions around the fundraisers in order to avoid having to pay for use of Air Force 1. He ends the fundraising trip with (Washington Examiner) President Obama will announce Friday that he is using […]

Obama’s Heavily Political National Climate Assessment Can’t Quite Figure Out Sea Rise

I supposed I’m obligated to mention something about the NCA, since I blog so darned much about “climate change”. Let’s look at sea rise (CNS News) The National Climate Assessment released today by the White House says that as a result of climate change the sea level could rise 8 inches, 11 inches, 4 feet or […]

EPA’s Dept Of Homeland Security Blocking Investigations

In other news, the Environmental Protection Agency has a Dept Of Homeland Security. Seriously? Seriously. You can’t blame this on Obama, the department was formed in 2003 under Christie Todd Whitman while Bush 43 was president, and just seems typical of a complete government over-reach, even in the time shortly after September 11. Of course, […]

Another Obama Backed “Green Energy” Company Is A Disaster

Um, surprise? (Washington Examiner) Four years have passed since President Obama visited Kansas City’s main airport, rolled up his shirt sleeves and admonished the skeptics who said Smith Electric Vehicles was unlikely to make good on its promises to build 510 experimental electric-powered trucks and buses suitable for commercial use. “Come see what’s going on […]

Pirate's Cove