Category Archives: Barry Obama

Washington Post Helpfully Offers Notion That House Should Investigate Obama’s Post-Libyan War Incompetence

Obviously, this is intended to distract from the idiocy of Team Obama’s handling of Benghazi and the death of four Americans, before, during, and after. But, the Washington Post Editorial Board has a point of the overall rank incompetence of Obama regarding Libya What Obama botched in Libya Other than the bombing? Pretty much everything. […]

USA Today Poll: 65% Say They Want Not Obama Policies And Programs

Yay, Year Of Action!(?) (via Jim Geraghty) (USA Today) By more than 2-1, 65%-30%, Americans say they want the president elected in 2016 to pursue different policies and programs than the Obama administration, rather than similar ones. (snip) By more than 2-1, Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country. They remain downbeat about […]

Man With World’s Largest Carbon Footprint Is Supposedly Refocusing On Climate Change

I’m not sure why the Washington Post’s Juliet Eilperin is so excited about this: Obama pivot’s do not last very long The satellite images viewed by President Obama before a meeting with eight Western governors were stark, showing how snowpack in California’s mountains had shrunk by 86 percent in a single year. “It was a ‘Houston, […]

Politico: You Know, This Obama Guy Has A Tough Time Making Fun Of Himself

SO, apparently, it’s not just late night and other comedians that have trouble goofing on Obama: Obama himself has an issue Barack Obama laughs at but not with President Barack Obama is very smart (as he could tell you). He is also very funny (and the first to laugh at his own jokes). He is […]

Obama Economy: Record High For Women Not In Workforce

Here’s your real war on women (CNS News) The number of women 16 and older not in the labor force climbed to a record high of 55,116,000 in April, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This means that there were 55,116,000 women 16 and older who were in the civilian nonsinstitutional […]

Jay Carney Oops: Hey, Obama’s Libya Adventure Was A Failure

This is what happens when someone is parsing their words so much in order to avoid telling the truth: they inadvertently let something through (Daily Caller) White House spokesman Jay Carney let President Barack Obama’s Benghazi cat out of the bag today, when he acknowledged that the president’s unilateral intervention in the 2011 Libyan civil […]

New Benghazi Emails Show White House Collusion To Blame Video

I’m not sure that this is quite the bombshell some are positioning it to be: let’s not forget that the US embassy in Egypt was apologizing for the video just hours before it was attacked and burned on September 11, 2012. However, it is quite damning (Fox News) Newly released emails on the Benghazi terror […]

Obama Weekly Address Pushes Raising The Minimum Wage, Regardless Of Value

I would have guessed that it would have been about something like the pressing issues in the Eastern Pacific, seeing as how Obama is on a trip to visit our allies in the region. Or, perhaps, the issue of Ukraine, of which there is a worry about open warfare. Nope (video here) Hi, everybody. In […]

Rolling Stone Reports Obama Plans To Kill Keystone XL

This comes via Yid With Lid, who notes that the only question left is the timing of the announcement (Rolling Stone) At the same time, the president is likely to announce his decision on the northern leg of the Keystone XL, the hugely controversial 1,179-mile-long pipeline that would bring tar-sands oil down from Alberta to […]

Japan Today Hits Obama For Leaving Michelle Home

Here’s Obama’s “smart power” in action (Japan Today) When President Barack Obama travels abroad, sometimes it’s not enough for just the leader of the free world to show up. People in other countries want the first lady, too. But Michelle Obama won’t join her husband when he heads to Asia next week, and her absence […]

Pirate's Cove