Category Archives: Barry Obama

David Brooks: Obama Has A Manhood Problem In The Middle East

I predict David Brooks will be forced to give some sort of grovelling apology by the end of the day, possibly before noon, especially when liberals start race-baiting him. The NY Times columnist appeared on Meet The Press, answering a question on the Ukraine situation (Mediaite) “Basically, since Yalta, we’ve had an assumption that borders […]

Obama Punts Keystone XL Yet Again

Remember when the decision on Keystone XL would be in “months”? That was a few months ago. And the decision is to ….. punt. Here’s our Decider-in-chief (Politico) The Obama administration says it is indefinitely extending its long-awaited review of the Keystone XL pipeline — providing a Good Friday jolt to one of the president’s […]

During Ocare “Victory Lap”, Obama Recommends Dems Run On Other Things

Obama did his passive/aggressive schtick Thursday, yammering on about the “Affordable” Care Act, alternately insulting and denigrating Republicans/Conservatives then lamenting the loss of civility. What he wouldn’t do is recommend Democrats run on Ocare for the mid-terms (The Hill) A defiant President Obama on Thursday announced that 8 million people have enrolled in ObamaCare plans […]

Poll: Majority Think Obama Is A Liar

On one hand, this could describe most politicians, though it might be better to describe it as them pegging the bullshit meter. It is not a good thing when the POTUS is found to be a liar (Fox News) About six in ten American voters think Barack Obama lies to the country on important matters […]

Obama Tells Us What The Real Voter Fraud Is

Hint: it’s the people passing laws that require people to verify who they are in order to vote (The Blaze) President Barack Obama tore into state voter ID laws Friday when speaking to the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, accusing Republicans of trying to block minorities, women and seniors from voting and calling the […]

White House Continues To Be Squishy On Keystone XL Deadline

This is the most simple of things: approve or disapprove the Keystone XL pipeline. Obama put off any decision for the politics of the 2012 elections. Report after report, including the most recent one, give a thumbs up to the pipeline. So why not just make a decision? (The Hill) White House press secretary Jay […]

Mark Levin On Obama: “This Man Is A Disgrace”

What has Mark Levin so vexed? We pretty much know that Obama is a disgrace in general. Here’s in specific (The Blaze) Conservative radio host Mark Levin on Tuesday said he is “ashamed and disgusted” that President Barack Obama plans to hit a fundraiser on Wednesday, hours after attending a memorial service to honor the […]

Shiny Quarter Politics: Obama Pivots To “Fair Pay”

Which is rather funny, since Obama pays women who work in the White House less than the men (The Hill) President Obama is preparing to lean on companies that do business with the government with a pair of new executive actions designed to close the wage gap between men and women. The orders, detailed by […]

Say, Why Is Obama’s Foreign “Policy” So Darned Unpopular?

The NY Times’ Ross Douthat is quite vexed that Obama’s foreign “policy” is so unpopular in polls. First, we have to consider why I’ve put “policy” in quotation marks. Well, he has to actually have a policy platform. There is none. He and his team are essentially winging it, living in the now. There’s no […]

Man With Largest Carbon Footprint In World To Go After Methane

Obama has a “carbon footprint” estimated, conservatively, to be 41,000 metric tons. That’s the equivalent of the footprint of 2200 Americans. Of course, that was in 2009, when he hadn’t sent his wife, kids, and dogs on separate flights on their way to vacations. This is a man who will take a fossil fueled flight […]

Pirate's Cove