Category Archives: Barry Obama

Trump Delights In Watching America’s Military Power Or Something

Washington Post writers Jenna Johnson and Gregg Jaffe pen a thinly veiled opinion piece in an almost Voxsplaining manner, meant to slam President Trump for approving and cheerleading the use of U.S. military power, while stating that Mr. Obama was completely different Trump delights in watching the U.S. military display its strength Amid the often […]

Washington Post: Obama’s Never Implemented Syria Strike Plan Was Much Bigger Than Trump’s Or Something

Hardcore leftist and Obama supporting Washington Post writer Josh Rogin attempts a bit of “our guy’s is bigger than your guy’s” when it comes to Syria, ending with a big wif Obama’s Syria strike plan was much bigger than Trump’s The Trump administration’s strike on one of Bashar al-Assad’s air bases was similar in style […]

Good News: Obama’s Best Buddies Iran Are Arming Militants In Bahrain

It’s a good thing the Obama administration didn’t help craft an agreement that removed tons of restrictions and sanctions against Iran, and give them $1.7 billion (heck, one report states $33.6 billion) U.S. increasingly sees Iran’s hand in the arming of Bahraini militants … The report, a copy of which was shown to The Washington […]

Trump Set To Sign Order Rolling Back Obama’s ‘Climate Change’ Orders

It’s the next step in obliterating Obama’s Hotcoldwetdry legacy. Of course, there’s not much Trump can do to erase how much carbon pollution Obama released with all his travel on Air Force One and in giant fossil fueled vehicle convoys to pretend to attend official events before hitting the golf course and/or fundraisers, plus all […]

Trump Looks To Do Away With “Social Cost Of Carbon” In Federal Government

As Trump is staffing EPA with lots of climate skeptics, including many aides to Senator Jim Inhofe, a longtime foe of the idiocy of the ‘climate change’ movement, he’s also, supposedly, looking to release orders to make changes to the government involvement in ‘climate change’ (Washington Post) President Trump could issue a sweeping executive order […]

President Obama Was Apparently A Slave Driver Of Illegal Aliens

The Washington Post apparently thinks they’re pulling a big slap out of their pocket aimed squarely at President Trump, and as a way to stop his orders on illegal immigration. But, as the saying went while George W. Bush was president, and during the early years of the Obama admin when trying to Blame Bush, […]

Suddenly, Trump Reading From A Teleprompter Is A Bad Thing

For eight years, we were treated to the Greatest Orator Ever!!!!! speaking from a teleprompter. Conservatives even came up with a name for Obama’s teleprompter: TOTUS. Teleprompter Of The United States. And discussed TOTUS as if it were alive. There were lots of jokes about this, most in jest, some nasty. Because, when it came […]

Trump, A Critic Of Obama Playing Golf, Plays Golf Or Something

We now have the first official Credentialed Media complaint of Trump playing golf because he noted Obama playing golf. This is yet another reason why we say the media has an agenda Trump, a frequent critic of Obama’s golfing, played 18 holes Sunday with Rory MclIroy President Trump, who pledged as candidate to limit his […]

Obama To Press: Hey, Guys, You Really Need To Do Your Jobs Now

File this one under “Chutzpah”, as Obama held last presser ever as POTUS telling us how disappointed he is in us all (via Hot Air) Pres. Obama to press: "You're not supposed to be complimentary. You're supposed to cast a critical eye on folks who hold enormous power." — CBS News (@CBSNews) January 18, 2017 And […]

Great News: Obama Pisses Away Another $500 Million To UN Climate Fund

How much damage can this guy do in his last few days? (BBC News) The US government has given half a billion dollars to the UN’s Green Climate Fund, just three days before Donald Trump takes office. Barack Obama’s outgoing administration announced the contribution of $500m (£406m; €468m) on Tuesday, bringing the total funds to […]

Pirate's Cove