Category Archives: Barry Obama

Hooray! Obama Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Announce $1 Billion Climate Slush Fund

Yes, the man with the Largest Carbon Footprint In The World (41K metric tons) did actually do this (Washington Post) FRESNO, Calif. — President Obama said here Friday that he will propose a $1 billion fund in his fiscal 2015 budget to help communities prepare for the effects of climate change and to fund research […]

Team Obama Decides To Ignore Banking Laws Regarding Marijuana

Another day, another lawless pronouncement from the Obama administration (AP) The Obama administration on Friday gave banks a road map for conducting transactions with legal marijuana sellers so these new businesses can stash away savings, make payroll and pay taxes like any other enterprise. It’s not clear banks will get on board. Guidance issued by […]

Poll: Most Non-Liberal Americans Against Unilateral Presidential Decrees

Unsurprisingly, Democrats/Liberals/Progressives really love how Obama simply makes the law as he sees fit (Fox News) According to a just-released Fox News national poll, most voters don’t think the country’s system of government was designed for the president to act unilaterally, and a majority disapproves of Obama bypassing Congress. (poll results here) The new poll […]

Krauthammer: Welcome To The Banana Republic

Surely, Charles Krauthammer’s comments will be deemed raaaaacist, in order to change the subject (Fox News) Syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer took aim at the newest ObamaCare delay on “Special Report with Bret Baier” Monday, calling it “the stuff that you do in a banana republic.” The Obama administration announced it was […]

Obama Delays Portion Of Employer Mandate Till 2016

I can see through your webcam that there was no surprise in your eyes in the least. At most, you simply rolled your eyes that Obama has unilaterly changed It’s. The. Law. yet again (Washington Post) The Obama administration announced Monday it would give medium-sized employers an extra year, until 2016, before they must offer […]

Obama Put Illegal Aliens Over Legal Citizens

In Mr. Obama’s rush to try and give relief to the children of illegal aliens, many of whom were actually brought to the US illegally, he harmed legal citizens (Daily Caller) President Barack Obama’s 2012 unilateral legalization of 500,000 young illegal immigrants helped him win the 2012 election — at the cost of splitting 500,000 […]

White House Tells Ocare Insurers To Let Consumers Change Plans

Do you remember the old Simpsons episode where Troy McClure said “there’s The Truth, and then “the truth””? With Obamacare, there’s Deadlines, and then “deadlines” (Washington Post) The Obama administration has quietly reworked rules and computer code for to try to stem an outpouring of discontent by some Americans who have discovered that the […]

Hooray! Here Come Obama’s “Climate Hubs”

Yeah, OK, uh huh (NY Times) On the heels of the Senate’s passage of a long-awaited farm bill, the Obama administration is to announce on Wednesday the creation of seven regional “climate hubs” aimed at helping farmers and rural communities respond to the risks of climate change, including drought, invasive pests, fires and floods. White […]

Obama To O’Reilly: I’m Waiting For John Kerry’s Approval On Keystone XL

He’s simply running the clock out, as well as highlighting his pitiful leadership skills (Fox News) President Obama told Bill O’Reilly Monday on “The O’Reilly Factor” that he was waiting to get an official recommendation from Secretary of State John Kerry before proceeding with the Keystone Pipeline. Obama also took issue with the number of […]

Is Obama An “Imperial President”?

There’s been quite a bit of discussion over Obama’s use of presidential authority: signing statements, executive orders, changing rules (many of which were established by his own administration), changing parts of laws, refusing to defend laws passed by the United States Congress, and generally just doing whatever he wants. The notion of Obama being an […]

Pirate's Cove