February 1, 2014 – 8:21 am
So, the President with a carbon footprint around 41K metric tons, and a Sec of State who constantly takes fossil fueled flights all over the world, and also owns several homes and multiple fossil fueled vehicles, are telling us to hold our horses on Keystone XL (Fox News) A new environmental assessment from the State […]
January 31, 2014 – 8:12 am
During the 2014 SOTU Obama formalized his plan to essentially ignore the duly elected Legislative Branch and act through Executive Orders. This is very much what he has been doing for the entirety of his time in the presidential office, excepting for a few big pieces of legislation, like Obamacare and the failed Stimulus. He […]
January 30, 2014 – 8:13 am
It’ll never go anywhere, but the liberal media would have an opportunity to circle the wagons and be outraged…unlike when Democrats constantly talked about impeaching George W. Bush, and John Conyers (D) even held a mock impeachment in the basement of the Capital Building (The Blaze) Just hours after he stormed out of President Obama’s […]
January 29, 2014 – 8:54 am
He literally created obstructionism by declaring that everyone hates his agenda. Because that’s what he does. Even on the few occasions he’s supposedly reached out (remember the “charm offensive”?) he’s coupled that with the same bitter, confrontational tone. And, no, I did not watch the his wish-list of partisan rancor, there’s no way I could […]
January 28, 2014 – 8:52 am
I’m sure Team Obama gave long, careful thought to this, weighing the pros and cons, considering the costs….or, really, sat around in a bull session which included political wonks, none with any experience in the private market, saying “how can we pump up he moonbat base”? (NY Times) President Obama plans to sign an executive […]
January 27, 2014 – 6:54 am
What’s the over/under on the number of times Mr. Obama will say “if Congress won’t act, I will”, adding the silly “I’ve got a pen and a phone”? (Politico) President Barack Obama will deliver an “optimistic†State of the Union address Tuesday prodding Congress to address economic mobility and income inequality — or risk an […]
January 26, 2014 – 8:13 am
The Washington Post doesn’t have a “Humor” section, so I guess they had to put this article in “Politics” Obama’s rough 2013 prompts a new blueprint An internal White House assessment concludes that President Obama must distance himself from a recalcitrant Congress after being badly damaged last year by legislative failures, a government shutdown and […]
January 25, 2014 – 9:03 am
You’re shocked, I know (Fox News) A record high number of voters now oppose the 2010 Affordable Care Act and a record low number supports it, according to the latest Fox News poll. In addition, a majority thinks the new law will increase their health care costs, while few think it will improve their quality […]
January 25, 2014 – 8:36 am
It’ll be a hoot if he does, making a push for legislation and executive action, mostly kingly executive action*, along with the typical hyper-partisan demeaning of Republicans? (Daily Caller) President Barack Obama is expected to talk about fighting global warming in his upcoming State of the Union address next week, during what could be the […]
January 24, 2014 – 8:07 am
A big question for the 2014 SOTU is: will anyone be awake for it? As Peggy Noonan writes Because when I imagine Barack Obama’s State of the Union, I see a handsome, dignified man standing at the podium and behind him Joe Biden, sleeping. And next to him John Boehner, snoring. And arrayed before the […]