Category Archives: Barry Obama

Obama Targets Sexual Assault On Campus, Tells Base To Stop It

After watching Obama these past 5 years, color me skeptical that this is anything other than some sort of self-serving political move (The Hill) President Obama will create a new task force to examine how to better prevent sexual assault on college campuses, the Associated Press reported Wednesday. The president is giving the panel three […]

Obama Whines About Race For Declining Approval Rating

Race card played (Bloomberg) President Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years, according to a story posted on the New Yorker magazine’s website today. “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of […]

Surprise: Team Obama Delays Equal Coverage Provision

Another week, another part of Obamacare delayed by unilateral executive fiat (Fox News) The Obama administration is reportedly delaying enforcement of another aspect of ObamaCare, one that prohibits employers from providing better health benefits to top executives than those being offered to regular employees. According to The New York Times, tax officials said they would […]

Whew! Obama Curtails Spying On Foreigners

Not so much on Americans (AFP) In a long-awaited speech outlining changes to programs exposed by Edward Snowden, Obama also said he had halted National Security Agency (NSA) spy taps targeting friendly world leaders. He also proposed new protections for foreigners caught in US data collection programs, which harvest hundreds of millions of pages of […]

Rachel Maddow: Christie Issue Means We Need More Dogged Local Journalists

Investigating Republicans, of course. How cute. A nominal Republican is having a bit of an issue, so now she’s all for hardcore investigative journalism. Locally. Democracy demands it Democracy needs dogged local journalism (Multiple paragraphs regarding “lane closures” to start) It’s one thing for public officials to subject one another to that kind of low-level, […]

Obama Once Again Proposes Caps On Charitable Giving

Which has caused the United Way and other groups to hit Washington (Daily Caller) Leaders of the charitable coalition the United Way swarmed Capitol Hill Tuesday to lobby against the Obama administration’s proposed cap on the charitable deduction in the federal tax code. Lowering the charitable deduction has long been an Obama policy objective. United […]

Obama Was Told Benghazi Was A Terrorist Attack

You don’t say (Fox News) Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation’s top civilian and uniformed defense officials — headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama — were informed that the event was a “terrorist attack,” declassified documents show. The new evidence […]

Oh, Snap: Dana Milbank Calls Chris Christie A Narcissist

This probably isn’t the dumbest and hyper-partisan piece written over “lane closures”, but it certainly rises pretty high up New Jersey narcissist Things we learned about Chris Christie during his 108-minute apologia: “I’m a very loyal guy.” “I am not a focus-group-tested, blow-dried candidate.” “I’ve worked for the last 12 years in public life developing […]

Is The Washington Post Suggesting Christie’s Firing Of Key Advisors Was A Bad Thing?

Here’s the headline of the article Firing of Stepien deprives Christie of a key counselor Like many of you, I’ve watched and been involved in politics for a long time. I’ve watched the media let their biases loose. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact time. Some say it was when Walter Cronkite declared the Vietnam […]

Conservative Group Tells Obama Comprehensive Immigration Bill Is An “Awful Idea”

The schizophrenic president, who bounces from subject to subject as of The Utmost Importance daily, is making a push to get the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform, ie, a giant bill which most haven’t read and don’t understand and will make all sorts of unexpected changes, passed (Fox News) A group of House Republicans is rejecting […]

Pirate's Cove