January 5, 2014 – 8:50 am
Unsurprisingly, this has led to an even stronger Islamist movement and a more open spread of the Islamists (It’s been a while since Islamists has been defined. The term covers the hardcores, those who are interested in jihad, in forcefully spreading a hardcore version of Islam, in Sharia law. And before any liberal claims “Islamaphobia!!!! […]
December 31, 2013 – 11:16 am
Also, to campaign on the issue (Washington Post) The New York Times reported this morning (echoing the reporting of Greg Sargent and others earlier this year) that Democrats plan to campaign on raising the minimum wage during the election season. Wait, I thought they were going to campaign on Obamacare? Aside from being good economic […]
December 30, 2013 – 8:37 am
He thinks 2011 was worse 2013 wasn’t as bad as you might think “Has this been the worst year of your presidency?†It was a heck of a way for President Obama to wrap up 2013. In asking the question at the president’s year-end news conference, Julie Pace of the Associated Press captured several things […]
December 27, 2013 – 3:13 pm
And, unsurprisingly, he’s whining at Congress (Reuters) After signing the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2014, Obama noted that Congress retained regulations that prevent the transfer of prisoners to American soil, where they could be tried in federal court. “The executive branch must have the authority to determine when and where to prosecute Guantanamo […]
December 20, 2013 – 6:55 am
The unilateral President has made yet another unilateral, possibly lawless, decision (Washington Post) The Obama administration on Thursday night significantly relaxed the rules of the federal health-care law for millions of consumers whose individual insurance policies have been canceled, saying they can buy bare-bones plans or entirely avoid a requirement that most Americans have health […]
December 19, 2013 – 6:58 am
Remember how Mr. Obama and so many other Democrats told us that people would love Obamacare as time went on? How’s that working out? (NY Times) Americans who lack medical coverage disapprove of President Obama’s health care law at roughly the same rate as the insured, even though most say they struggle to pay for […]
December 17, 2013 – 8:32 am
Another day, another big concern with Obamacare (Politico) Think the canceled health policies hurt the Obamacare cause? There’s another political time bomb lurking that could explode not too long before next year’s elections: rate hikes for small businesses. Like the canceled individual health plans, it’s another example of a tradeoff that health care experts have […]
December 15, 2013 – 8:17 am
They’re tired of Ye Olde Nanny State Of course, when it comes to something individuals are against, they’re happy to ask government to pull out the banhammer (Daily Caller) Americans want the government to stop acting like their mother. According to a Reason-Rupe poll, Americans do not want government to ban trans-fats, e-cigarettes, online poker, […]
December 14, 2013 – 2:24 pm
Obviously, if you complain about this, you must have faux outrage or something (HuffPo) For four years, conservatives have faulted the seasonal mailing out of the White House for a lack of allusions to Christmas: no tree, no manger, no jolly old man. And here we are again, at that most wonderful time of the […]
December 14, 2013 – 8:52 am
Did you expect him to do anything else? (The Hill) President Obama marked the anniversary of the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, and called for a nationwide grassroots push for gun control in his weekly radio address. The president’s statement came a day after a gunman shot at least one student and then committed […]