December 13, 2013 – 8:03 am
Another day, another problem (Politico) Why do Republicans even bother trying to delay Obamacare? President Barack Obama’s doing it all by himself. On Thursday, the Obama administration gave customers permission to pay their premiums as late as Dec. 31 for coverage that starts Jan. 1, and officially gave customers an extra week — until Dec. […]
December 7, 2013 – 7:49 am
So far, I can’t find any environmental groups, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, NRDC, Earth First, etc, who are outraged by this. Some link to news articles, but have offered no articles themselves (USA Today) The Obama administration said Friday it will allow some companies to kill or injure bald and golden eagles for up to 30 […]
December 6, 2013 – 11:03 am
Let’s imagine this occurred while a Republican was president (Fox News) A group of young ballerinas rehearsing for “The Nutcracker†was kicked out of American University’s theatre so MSNBC host Chris Matthews could interview President Obama on Thursday. American University admitted they dumped Ballet Petite’s two final dress rehearsals so they could host MSNBC’s “Hardball […]
December 5, 2013 – 9:24 am
Really, really proud. He probably made Sandra Fluke squeal like a schoolgirl (CNS News) In a speech at TheArc arts school in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, President Barack Obama said that “100 million Americans†have gained the right to free contraception thanks to the Affordable Care Act. “In the three years since we passed this […]
December 4, 2013 – 6:53 am
No, really (The Hill) President Obama declared Tuesday that ObamaCare “is working” and that “we’re not going back,” as the White House looked to reboot its efforts to sell Americans on the president’s signature healthcare law. If he means that 5.5 million were supposed to lose their health insurance, that the bulk of people attempting […]
December 3, 2013 – 6:50 am
I wonder if he’ll mention the huge increases in premiums and deductibles, and that millions have lost their plans and doctors, with tens of millions scheduled to have the same happen to them? (The Hill) President Obama will hold an event Tuesday touting the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, as the White House looks […]
December 2, 2013 – 8:52 am
I have to hand it to him, this is a tough one for conservatives to carp against (USA Today) As a member of the Arizona Army National Guard, Gabriel Zermeño has been preparing for almost two years to be deployed oversees. But the country he signed up to defend also could one day deport his […]
November 30, 2013 – 2:55 pm
It’s all about shifting the goalposts (Washington Post) Administration officials are preparing to announce Sunday that they have met their Saturday deadline for improving, according to government officials, in part by expanding the site’s capacity so that it can handle 50,000 users at once. But they have yet to meet all their internal goals […]
November 29, 2013 – 10:57 am
Hey, this is what you Democrats voted for (CNN) Americans views on the state of the nation are turning increasingly sour, according to a new national poll. And a CNN/ORC International survey released Friday also indicates that less than a quarter of the public says that economic conditions are improving, while nearly four in ten […]
November 27, 2013 – 2:12 pm
The Politico’s Gary Bauer has an interesting story about When Presidents Lie, which wonders if Obama can recover. The answer is “probably not” For Richard M. Nixon, it was “I am not a crook,†for George H. W. Bush it was “Read my lips: no new taxes†and for Bill Clinton it was “I did […]