Category Archives: Barry Obama

Obama Pimps Dying Affordable Care Act In Weekly Address

Some enterprising reporter should ask Barack if he plans on signing up for Ocare once he leaves the White House, or if he’ll sign up for a plan elsewhere WEEKLY ADDRESS: The Progress We’ve Made Because of the Affordable Care Act Hi, everybody. Americans have been fighting for the idea that health care is a […]

Surprise: Rich Guy’s ‘Climate Change’ Plan Will Hurt The Poor

So, there’s this guy who takes tons of fossil fueled vehicle trips around the country and world. Sometimes for official reasons, mostly for fundraisers, vacations, and golf outings. He likes to complain about how ‘climate change’ will hurt everyone, so he came up with this plan, one which won’t actually harm him in the least […]

Man Who Ignores Will Of The People Upset That Trump Might Do Same

Yeah, so this happened during Obama’s speech in Miami Gardens. Listen near the end (this is at the 32 minute mark of the overall speech) No, no, no, I want everybody to pay attention here. That is dangerous. Because when you try to sow the seeds of doubt in people’s minds about the legitimacy of […]

Hysteric In Chief: Honesty And Democracy Itself Is At Stake In Election!

Alternate headline: guy who rules by executive orders and uses federal agencies to target political opponents is suddenly worried about democracy or something (AFP) At a fiery campaign event for Democrat Hillary Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio, Obama trashed Trump as a dictator-in-the-making, but also voiced concerns about how Trump’s legion of supporters might react to […]

Surprise: Obama Breaks Another Iran Deal Promise

You remember the Iran deal, right? The one Obama made all sorts of promises on, then broke them left and left? (NY Post) The Obama administration keeps on breaking its promises on the Iran deal — its promises to the American people, that is. The latest betrayal: The Treasury Department just lifted key restrictions on […]

21 States Sue Obama Over New Overtime Rules

Has there ever been a president that has been sued this much? His administration has sued numerous times over their lack of response to Freedom Of Information Act requests. They’ve been sued over regulations and rule making. It just continues on and on (Fox News) President Obama is doing anything but closing out his lame […]

GOP Asks Obama To Provide Proof That Hotcoldwetdry Is A National Security Concern

Now, let’s be honest: climatic changes do pose a threat. It always has. It also can reduce threats. But, the question has never been about a warming climate, it’s over the causation. And Team Obama is all about Blamestorming mankind (Daily Caller) Republican lawmakers are demanding the Obama administration back up with evidence a recent […]

Big Carbon Footprint Obama Forces Intelligence Agencies To Study ‘Climate Change’

Seriously, none of these agencies tasked with keeping America safe have anything better to do (The Hill)  President Obama is asking 20 federal offices to work together on a national security strategy to address climate change. Obama signed a directive on Wednesday telling the offices to develop a “federal climate and national security working group” […]

Obama Pleads With Insurance Execs To Not Bail On His Government Enterprise

As Obamacare continues to implode almost exactly as predicted even before it was passed in the dead of night using parliamentary shenanigans, Obama is pleading with insurance executives to not bail on the federal exchanges, which are causing them to lose money hand over fist (Politico) Deep into the final year of his presidency, Barack […]

Is Obama Pushing Amnesty And Bringing In “Syrian” Refugees In His Weekly Address On 9/11?

Barack Obama gives what is a very nice Weekly Address on the 15th anniversary of 9/11. He’s given lots of different messages across the years. In 2009, he stressed service. He’s called for tolerance towards Islamists. He’s talked about peace in the Middle East as his super awesome plan in Afghanistan and Iraq came to […]

Pirate's Cove