September 8, 2016 – 10:29 am
The same guy who calls ISIS the JV team, who isn’t worried about Islamic terrorists entering the US, who has no problem with black on black on black crime is uber-concerned with a tiny global increase in temperature (warning: autoplay video with annoying Obama) (NY Times) Seventy-four years ago, a naval battle off this remote […]
September 1, 2016 – 4:07 pm
Warning: there’s autoplay video with ear damaging audio at the link (AP) Â Standing beneath the forest-green peaks of the Sierra Nevada, President Barack Obama drew a connection Wednesday between conservation efforts and stopping global warming, describing the two environmental challenges as inseparably linked. Obama used the first stop on a two-day conservation tour to try […]
August 30, 2016 – 7:13 am
No worries. He’ll make sure you reduce your carbon footprint No events or appearances again tomorrow on Pres Obama's schedule. Leaves Wed. on 10 day trip to Lake Tahoe, Hawaii, Midway, China & Laos. — Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 28, 2016 Pres Obama's visit to Midway Atoll on Thursday sounds intriguing. @Deese44 says @POTUS will […]
August 22, 2016 – 7:13 am
Some people think it’s a bad idea allowing people who feel that they’re the opposite biological sex in bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers of the opposite biological sex, especially when there is a serious concern that many are just pretending (Bloomberg) The Obama administration was barred by a judge from enforcing a directive that U.S. […]
August 21, 2016 – 6:51 pm Imagine the outrage from Dems and the media if Bush had not only refused to end his vacation and spent lots of time golfing, partying, and attending fundraisers, but waited a few days after his vacation to head to a disaster zone.
August 20, 2016 – 7:34 am
Here’s a guy who took a fossil fueled trip to vacation in an energy hog house and spent lots of time on golf courses, which are evil to anthropogenic climate change (The Hill) President Obama used the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service to call for action on climate change, warning that rising temperatures […]
August 13, 2016 – 8:07 am
Obama’s sitting pretty up in Martha’s Vineyard, having take a huge fossil fueled trip to hang in an energy hog home. Meanwhile, he uses his weekly address to tell citizens he plans on raising their cost of living by executive fiat (White House) Hi, everybody. One of the most urgent challenges of our time is […]
August 11, 2016 – 8:14 am
Another day, another media freakout over something Donald Trump said (Politico) Republican nominee Donald Trump said Wednesday night that President Barack Obama and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, founded ISIL. At a rally in Sunrise, Florida, Trump once again attacked the foreign policy of Obama and Clinton, saying their policies resulted in the creation of ISIL. […]
August 3, 2016 – 3:18 pm
Well, gee, color me shocked (Daily Caller)  Pew’s research shows that four out of 10 refugees in Europe are young men, aged 18 to 34. Approximately three-fourths (73 percent) of refugees entering Europe in total were male, while 53 percent of all refugees were young adults between the ages of 18 and 34. Individuals hailing from war-torn […]
August 3, 2016 – 10:30 am
I suggest that the White House reduce their carbon footprint to zero. Not through carbon offsets, but by giving up all use of electricity that doesn’t come from solar and wind. Stop using fossil fueled vehicles. Only eat locally grown food. Handwash clothes. And a raft of other measures. Of course, they won’t. Obama has […]