Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

House Democrats Start Their Health System Shell Game

The cat poop sandwich (surprisingly, no video of that scene from Anchorman) they are showing is not the same cat poop sandwich they will ask you to eat, as the American Spectator points out Shortly before midnight on Sunday, Democrats released a 2,309 page health care bill that will start the process of reconciliation — […]

Obama Says Time For Debate Is Over, So Just STFU And GFYS

The debate on Iraq, “torture,” being mean to terrorists, hell, the entire eight years Bush was president, the debate can still rage in Barry’s World. But, the Democrats health care destruction legislation, which is opposed by 53% of Americans, 41% strongly opposed? The debate is over President Obama on Monday tore into private health insurers […]

Workers Wonder Where The Jobs Are

Lori Montgomery at the Washington Post gives it the old “my lefty editor went to a cocktail party early Friday so I was on my own” try, but, still kinda misses the mark One month after President Obama declared jobs his “number one focus,” Congress has been unable to push through a single measure aimed […]

GOP Forces Dems To Pull The “Be Nice To Terrorists” Bill

Did you hear about this one Thursday? While you were distracted by the health bloviations, Andy McCarthy found out what the Democrats tried to slip into an intelligence bill The Obama Democrats have outdone themselves. While the country and the Congress have their eyes on today’s dog-and-pony show on socialized medicine, House Democrats last night […]

If Obama’s Not A Socialist, Why Is He Now Targeting Insurance Rate Control?

Dictionary definition of Socialism a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. Obviously, in practice, it is a bit more complicated than that, however, not much, and the primary point […]

Stimulus Does Create Green Jobs. Overseas

In yet another mundane story – because, really, will most people be surprised by negative Generational Theft Act news? – we learn how things are going with wind farm jobs that used stimulus money Despite all the talk of green jobs, the overwhelming majority of stimulus money spent on wind power has gone to foreign […]

Obama Getting Desperate On Health Legislation, Convening Summit

In a sign that smacks of incredible desperation regarding his signature, and outsourced, legislation – and also shows that he still does not comprehend that the economy and jobs are the top issues facing this country – Obama made a big announcement during his little interview with Katie Couric, a time period in which most […]

Obama Budget Will Increase Your Taxes And Costs

So says those ultra-far right kooks at ABC News While President Barack Obama is proposing to cut some taxes for companies that hire workers, his budget would raise a host of other taxes on businesses and wealthy individuals. The budget proposal released Monday would extend Obama’s signature Making Work Pay tax credit — $400 for […]

Obama Budget To Hit $3.8 Trillion, Deficit $1.6 Trillion

Just a few short days ago, during both the State Of The Union and the GOP Retreat, President Obama told us he was concerned with the growing deficit – and, as usual, blamed it mostly on Bush – and that he would address it and reduce it. Stuttering Bob Gibbs even told us that Obama […]

Obama Does Good! He Might Actually Be Serious About Nuclear Power Plants

You may remember Obama mentioning nuclear power plants during his snoozefest of a SOTU speech. For a change, he might actually be looking to get new ones built, so, if the following is true, kudos, Mr. President! Obama moves quickly to promote nuclear power President Obama, who called for a “new generation” of nuclear power […]

Pirate's Cove