Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

Here Come New TSA Restrictions, Yet, They Still Miss The #1 Stopper Of Airline Terrorism

Aren’t you thrilled? In the wake of the terrorism attempt Friday on a Northwest Airlines flight, federal officials on Saturday imposed new restrictions on travelers that could lengthen lines at airports and limit the ability of international passengers to move about an airplane. The government was vague about the steps it was taking, saying that […]

Democrats Face Challenge In Merging The Bills And Ignoring The American People

The Fish Wrap of Record goes with a front page story about how the Dems are going to be challenged in merging their bills Even as the Senate took a significant step toward passing its version of a sweeping overhaul of the health insurance system before Christmas, Democrats were grappling Monday with deep internal divisions […]

Deep In Health Bill, Very Specific Bribes

Y’all remember William “Cold Cash” Jefferson? Do you remember what happened? A private individual promised to give him $400K if Jefferson would help a high tech company called iGate by persuading the Army to test iGate’s products, as well as attempt to influence officials in 3 countries. He was caught on tape taking $100K. Obviously, […]

Fail Tag: Hillary Discusses The Reality Of Obama’s Iran Policy

Via Gateway Pundit, Hillary admits that the Obama admin. has failed in their policy regarding Iran. Let’s watch As Jim Hoft points out, Hillary stated that the Obama admin has stood by the Iranian protesters. Jim points out otherwise. Furthermore, has anyone heard word one from the President regarding the protests going on since the […]

Democrats: Plans Will Reduce Health Cost. Obama’s HHS: Um, No

I have a feeling that a few folks are going to be called to the White House for a little sit down dressing down shortly Democrats trying to push President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul plan through the Senate got a sober warning Friday that costs will keep going up and proposed Medicare savings may […]

Dems Need To Borrow $1.8 Trillion To Pay Off The Money They Already Screwed Up With

You: Mr. Banker, I need a $100,000 loan to help pay off the $200,000 I owe another bank Banker: Seriously? You: Yup Banker: STFU and GFYS. You’re nuts. I wouldn’t even give you a toaster. But, you don’t have the power of the whole federal government behind you, and can’t tax the f*ck out of […]

Fish Wrap Wonders If VATs Are The Cure For Deficits

Sure, why not, another tax on everyone is a good thing in Liberal World: Many See the VAT Option as a Cure for Runaway Deficits Runaway federal deficits have thrust a politically unsavory savior into the spotlight: a nationwide tax on goods and services. Members of Congress, like their constituents, are squeamish about such ideas […]

People Less HopeyChangey On Barry’s Economy

I wonder how he will blame this on Bush? He spent more time yesterday blaming Bush, excuse me, the previous administration, during his jobs speech (which Rush Limbaugh tore apart, check out this post by Nice Deb), and is now saying he was against the TARP, despite voting for it. And people are not enthused […]

Jobs And Landmines

I couldn’t decide which story I liked better, so, how about both, starting with George W. Obama and landmines? The Obama administration has decided not to sign an international convention banning land mines. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said Tuesday that the administration recently completed a review and decided not to change the Bush-era policy. […]

Shocker! 9/11 Terrorists To Hold Forth On The Evils Of America

None of us saw this coming when Holder announced that KSM and the other 9/11 jihadis would get trials in civilian court in New York City just blocks from where the World Trade Center once stood, eh? The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so that they can […]

Pirate's Cove