November 14, 2009 – 8:01 pm
Another speech, another push for their leftist brownshirt “volunteerism” agenda. Now they are co-opting the military into it. REMARKS BY THE FIRST LADY AT MISSION SERVE EVENT George Washington University Washington, D.C. 2:36 P.M. EST That’s right, she honored veterans by speaking at George Washington U. After some well deserved shout outs It is such […]
November 13, 2009 – 7:32 pm
Lost in all the hoople regarding the civilian trials of KSM and others involved in 9/11, the Kremlin, er, White House, had another startling announcement The Obama administration will insist on measures to give legal status to an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants as it pushes early next year for legislation to overhaul the immigration […]
November 13, 2009 – 10:00 am
File this under “are you fracking kidding me?” Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, and four other men accused in the plot will be prosecuted in federal court in New York City, a federal law enforcement official said early on Friday. As Jammie Wearing Fool points out, this is going […]
November 12, 2009 – 6:45 pm
Unemployment continues to go up. People are dropping off the unemployment roles having been on them so long. Some people are just plain giving up and going with “funemplyment.” The Generational Theft Act has failed to create anything other than mostly temporary, blue collar jobs, so, what does Obama do? If you guessed “create a […]
November 10, 2009 – 8:12 am
We are fast approaching Obama being Coronated as President, and, he has finally made a decision on Afghanistan Tonight, after months of conferences with top advisors, President Obama has settled on a new strategy for Afghanistan. CBS News correspondent David Martin reports that the president will send a lot more troops and plans to keep […]
November 2, 2009 – 8:52 am
Regardless of any issues with the Afghanistan election, Karzai is the winner Afghan election officials canceled a presidential runoff and proclaimed the reelection of President Hamid Karzai on Monday, a day after Karzai’s top challenger declared he would not take part in a second round of voting scheduled for Saturday because of a persistent risk […]
November 1, 2009 – 10:19 am
After using 2009 as The Year We Exploded The Deficit, Democrats are getting a bit uneasy over their election prospects. First they had their Porkulus, then the Omnibus, the $3.5 trillion 2010 budget, and the coming massive health system overhaul and global warming tom-foolery. But, hey, they did manage to cut several defense initiatives (just […]
October 26, 2009 – 8:29 am
But, don’t say Democrats are socialist or anything Congress and the Obama administration are about to take up one of the most fundamental issues stemming from the near collapse of the financial system last year — how to deal with institutions that are so big that the government has no choice but to rescue them […]
October 25, 2009 – 9:49 am
Back when Operation Iraqi Freedom was a big deal to the media such as the New York Times, especially the body counts and reports of a boot trooper doing something he shouldn’t have done, one used to be able to find stories of good news in the Saturday edition. I had a theory that none […]
October 23, 2009 – 8:45 am
One should never follow praise with criticism, so, let’s start with the latest in the White House’s War On Fox New, perhaps knows as Operation Domestic Contingency. Doug Ross reports Today the White House stepped up its attack on Fox News, announcing that the network would no longer be able to conduct interviews with officials […]