Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

Green Jobs Czar Van Jones Also A Mumia Supporter

My my my, you just have to love the people Barack Obama picks to be in his administration, not to mention has palled around with. Unrepentant domestic terrorists. Virulent Black supremacists. Tax cheats. And then there is Van Jones, a communist, Twoofer, and……. More than 150 demonstrators marched from 14th Street and Broadway to the […]

CIA Morale At Minus 50

It’s a shame that the Washington Post doesn’t say what pages of the print version their Internet article appear on, as the NY Times does, because this is rather important information, which was listed at the bottom of the Internet front page under “other news” Morale has sagged at the CIA following the release of […]

Washington Post Notices Obama Tax Pledges Might Get Broken

I’d probably be a bit more impressed if this was published during the week, instead of a Saturday During last year’s campaign, President Obama vowed to enact a bold agenda without raising taxes for the middle class, a pledge budget experts viewed with skepticism. Since then, a severe recession, massive deficits and a national debt […]

Surprise! There’s A Cash For Clunkers Tax

Today’s theme is brought to you by the word “consequences.” When dealing with Democrats/liberals/progressives, there are always consequences, the majority of which were never considered when calling for and/or implementing legislation/plans. Another case in point (h/t Blogs For Victory) The Cash For Clunkers program is adding to the activity at treasurers’ offices all around South […]

Southern Governors Ask About ObamaCare Costs, Enter Underwear Gnome Episode

What does it say about a United States President and his administration that the best explanation for their ideas and plans can be explained by watching the South Park underwear gnome episode? Well, nothing good. Case in point Governors from across the South told President Barack Obama’s health care reform czar Monday they need to […]

Justice Dept. Recommends Prosecuting CIA Employees

Not shocking in the least. The hard left progressives have been foaming at the mouth to investigate and prosecute CIA employees, along with Bush and people from his administration, of course. So, what are we now getting from the same Justice Dept. that decided to drop a slam dunk case against members of the New […]

ACLU Forces Release Of Yet Another Secret Document That Endangers Americans

Liberal namby pamby’s just can’t move on A long-suppressed report by the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspector general to be released next week reveals that CIA interrogators staged mock executions as part of the agency’s post-9/11 program to detain and question terror suspects, NEWSWEEK has learned. According to two sources—one who has read a draft of […]

Palin Wins On Death Panels For Fourth Time

‘Memba this from the Wall Street Journal last week? Palin Wins – If she’s dim and Obama is brilliant, how did he lose the argument to her? The first we heard about Sarah Palin’s “death panels” comment was in a conversation last Friday with an acquaintance who was appalled by it. Our interlocutor is not […]

Does Reading The Bill Really Matter?

USA Today makes a few interesting points There’s a growing movement at town hall meetings and online to make sure members of Congress read the entire health care reform bill before they vote on it, and to make it available to the public at least 72 hours before a vote. “Read the bill” is typically […]

Obama Advisor Linked To Boycott Of Glenn Beck Show

Is this what Obama meant by “post-partisan,” healing the divide, doing things differently in Washington, hopenchange? A racially charged activist group called “Color of Change” founded by Van Jones, a special advisor to the Obama Administration, is trying to silence popular radio and Fox News personality Glenn Beck by calling for a boycott of Beck’s […]

Pirate's Cove