Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

Assassinating Al Qaeda – More Secret Details Released

Is it any wonder that VP Dick Cheney would order the CIA – if that is what truly happened – to keep quiet and not tell Congress about this program, at least until it was operational? Since 2001, the Central Intelligence Agency has developed plans to dispatch small teams overseas to kill senior Qaeda terrorists, […]

AGW Today: Tracking The Richest And Jobs Killer

Despite the fact that the climate temperature has decreased by .74F since Gore release An Inconvenient Truth even though CO2 atmospheric concentrations continue  to rise, the True Believers think they have hit upon another fantastic scheme, controlling the rich To fairly divide the climate change fight between rich and poor, a new study suggests basing […]

Four Questions For Climahysteric Cap ‘N Taxers

With the passage of the massively insane Waxman-Markey cap and tax bill, here are four questions to ask those who support it, particularly the politicians who voted for it and AGW leaders such as Al Gore 1. Did you read the bill before throwing your support behind it? Did you read the 300 page dead of […]

Data Dump: What’s In The Cap And Tax Bill?

I made the mistake of going over to Thomas and skimming through the majority of the climate change OMG WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE IF THIS ISN’T PASSED! THINK OF THE CHILDREN (they didn’t think of the children when they passed Porkulus) MANKIND IS BAD SAVE THE WORLD NOW monstrosity of a legislative bill. Here […]

Boehner on Speaker Pelosi’s National Energy Tax: “I Have Never Seen Anything This Ridiculous”

Time and time again, I and others have pointed out that the whole anthropogenic global warming silliness is not about “saving the planet from mankind,” but about control. People might have believed in it a bit more if the people who pushed it the hardest weren’t the worst CO2 offenders, but, regardless, let’s ask John […]

ObamaCare: Who Cares About The Poor And Elderly

When ideology trumps compassion President Barack Obama outlined another $313 billion in cuts to government health care spending over 10 years, largely impacting hospitals, as he hunts additional dollars to pay for expanded coverage for the uninsured. Some major health industry groups swiftly criticized the proposal in one of the clearest signs yet that the […]

U.S. Chamber Of Commerce To Obama: Stop Ruining America

Back on Wednesday, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced the launch of a campaign to support free enterprise, being heavily concerned with what the Obama administration and the Democrats, but, mostly the Obama administration, is doing to the free enterprise system. It, unsurprisingly, what with the Compliant Obama Media and all, got very little press exposure, and then, mostly […]

Even The A.M.A. Opposes ObamaCare

Other then grasshoppers, is there anyone who really wants the government providing health insurance? As the health care debate heats up, the American Medical Association is letting Congress know that it will oppose creation of a government-sponsored insurance plan, which President Obama and many other Democrats see as an essential element of legislation to remake […]

Obama Does Still Want A Government Run Insurance Company

So, what word applies? Socialist? Nationalist? Marxist? Fascist? They all include doctrine where the government is heavily involved in the private sector, sometimes mandating heavily, sometimes taking over, sometimes competing. In this case, Neophytis Obamis pulls out his lyre and tells Congress and the country to dance to his tune President Barack Obama reaffirmed his […]

Obambi Care! It’s Coming. And It’s A Mess

Well well well. The Obama health care plan is out, and Patients United Now has a copy, which, according to Ed Morrissey, is broken up into 9 parts. He wants folks to dig out some juicy gems after he found this one on p39-40 (1) IN GENERAL – A State shall keep an accurate accounting […]

Pirate's Cove