Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

Grey Lady Finds Political Cronyism Not The Change They Can Believe In

Hey, look, a story that is somewhat critical of The One. Of course, it is web only, so the 5 print subscribers left would never see it: Fund-Raising Still Has Its Perks in the Obama Era A day after President Obama announced his choices for some of the most coveted ambassador posts in the world, […]

Washington Post Notices Potential Car Dealership Closures-Minority Ones

Of course, most in the blogosphere know about the issues with the closing of Republican car dealerships (best thing is to just start with Memeorandum, check with Michelle M., Gateway Pundit has a trifecta (here, here, then here) and definitely check this post from AJ Strata regarding a bipartisan call for the Obama admin to […]

North Carolina To Make Being Mean Illegal, Use It For Stealth Gay Marriage Approval?

Jonah Goldberg, in his excellent book “Liberal Fascism,” calls today’s far left “nice fascists.” If the far left progressive movement is trying to control what people think, say, and do, I would tend to agree. The extent of their discrimination laws, going well beyond any sort of equality under the law, point the way. And […]

Climate Bill Could Harm Manufacturing And Send Jobs Overseas, Says…..

The Environmental Protection Agency. The Same EPA who recently called CO2, a natural gas, a health risk, thereby helping to create the same situation they are now complaining about According to an analysis of climate legislation performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the cap-and-trade system favored by President Barack Obama and many congressional Democrats […]

Good News! Obama Outsources Interrogation Of Islamists

Back during Obama’s campaign (which, admittedly has never ended,) he made lots of noise about outsourcing. He didn’t like it. He though it should stop. He said he would nail companies with higher taxes who practice it. Which is a strange position for anyone on the left, since they are very much into the one […]

ACLU And NY Times Gentley Chide Obama For Detention Plans

Remember the time when the ACLUand NY Times would exoriate President Bush and all those around him for his detention of Islamic extremists policies? How times have changed NEW YORK– The following can be attributed to Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union, in response to President Obama’s national security speech […]

Socialized Medicine: What’s The Cost In Saving A Life?

Apparently, it is too much $$$, as we seen in this preview of how the whole socialized medicine/treatment/insurance system can look, rather then just this bit prior to it coming full bore (h/t Van Helsing) Last week the Medicare trustees reported that the program has an “unfunded liability” of nearly $38 trillion — which is […]

Obama Chills While North Korea Prepares For Another Nuclear Test

John Bolton lets loose in an opinion article over at the Wall Street Journal: Get Ready for Another North Korean Nuke Test The curtain is about to rise again on the long-running nuclear tragicomedy, “North Korea Outwits the United States.” Despite Kim Jong Il’s explicit threats of another nuclear test, U.S. Special Envoy Stephen Bosworth […]

Obama To Announce Plans To Drastically Increase Auto Costs

When you go to the auto lot starting in 2012, expect your choices to be golf cart sized vehicles President Obama will announce tough new nationwide rules for automobile emissions and mileage standards on Tuesday, embracing standards that California has sought to enact for years over the objections of the auto industry and the Bush […]

What Say To Homosexual Indoctrination? Of 5 Year Olds?

They said if George Bush Barack Obama was elected president, sex ed would be taught at the kindergarten level. And they were right A California school district seems intent on teaching pre-school children to accept the homosexual lifestyle. The Alameda Unified School District announced it was considering a supplemental curriculum to eradicate “homophobia” in kindergarten […]

Pirate's Cove