Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

World Still Waiting For Their Unicorn Shipments

Apparently, all is not well in HopeyChangyLand, or, as Don Surber puts it “Hope. Change. The rest of the world still hates us.” The US, for the first time since 2005, has surpassed Russia in positive ratings, with an average of 40% compared with 35% last year. But it is still rated negatively by 43% […]

News From Barry’s World – Barry Loses Control Plus Others

First, Barry has lost control, and, guess who gets the blame? Michael Hirsh at Newsweek has the hysterical article Barack Obama began making his comeback Wednesday, apparently aware that he has all but lost control of the agenda in Washington at a time when he simply can’t afford to do so. Obama’s biggest problem isn’t Taxgate—which […]

Babs Boxer: Screw The Economy, AGW Legislation Is More Important

Gotta love liberals, they just live in their own little world. They got theirs, so, they feel no worry about fucking everyone else. As long as it doesn’t affect them Democratic members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee have pledged to “follow science” in their quest to quell the effects of global warming, […]

Senior Iranian Won’t Talk With Joe “7-11” Biden

Wait, wasn’t Biden picked as V.P. for his foreign policy experience, his ability to get ‘er done in that arena? Even after all the (possible Logan Act violation) talks with Iran, and overtures, they still say “I blow my nose in your general direction. Now go away, or I will taunt you a second time” […]

Obama Wants Pentagon Budget Cut 10%

This should make America’s enemies happy, including the American Left: Defense Official: Obama Calling for Defense Budget Cuts The Obama administration has asked the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon’s budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent — about $55 billion — a senior U.S. defense official […]

Surrender Monkey Friday: Forced To be Bipartisan?

The Surrender Monkey is quite sure that Jonah Goldberg is feeling quite vindicated at this moment Senator Judd Gregg awoke to the bad news on Thursday morning that a coalition of Democratic groups had planned to run television advertisements in his state to pressure him to support President Obama’s economic recovery plan. Mr. Gregg, a […]

Obama: Do As I Say, Not As I Do, On The Climate Crisis

‘Memba this? “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said. “That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added. Yeah, well, that was back in […]

ACLU Says No To Gitmo Detainees In Colorado

Aren’t you just thrilled that the ACLU assigns American rights to non-US citizens captured on the battlefields around the world fighting and wearing no uniforms? Politicians in Colorado are split over the chance detainees from Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, could be imprisoned at the Supermaxfederal detention facility in Florence. Some say Supermax can handle Gitmo suspects […]

Pelosi: No G’itmo Jihadis At Alcatraz

Let’s see: last week, cBS news had a storystating that Republicans were almost apoplectic in trying to make sure that the Guantanamo detainees were not brought to domestic soil. Yet, when it is Nancy Pelosi, what does cBS news do? Well, not bother covering the story, which was ignored by most major media outlets. Have […]

The Goracle, He Come, Mon, To Capitol Hill

What is that talking point the Lefties always used to bring up when Bush was in charge? Ah, there it is. Had to find it, there are so many they constantly repeated. This one is about “there being more important issues to discuss then…” Usually, this occurred when Democrats got in trouble. Well, in this […]

Pirate's Cove