Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

Obama Count

So, let’s see: not even one week since the coronation, and Obama has already signed an order putting a temporary halt to G’itmo detainee trials, which was pretty much his second order. The first was signing a proclamation declaring 20 January 2009 a national day of renewal and reconciliation. signed an order closing Guantanamo Bay […]

How Obama Can Win The DCITWoT: Blame America

Here we go again. Another liberal in the media has found a way to blame America: How Obama Can End the War On Terror by Mark Juergensmeyer The first step in ending the War on Terror is to stop calling it “the war on terror.” Hencefore, it shall be known as DCITWoT: Don’t Call It […]

More From The World Of Club G’itmo: Leader and GOP

Heck, cBS has the wonky going today. First up, Ex-Gitmo Detainee May Be Al Qaeda Leader An Internet posting purportedly by al Qaeda in Yemen says the group’s No. 2 is a Saudi national who is a former Guantanamo detainee. The Yemeni group – known as “al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” – posted the […]

Barry Goes Obambi-Closing G’itmo And CIA Black Sites

So, let’s see. Ombambi stated during his coronation that he would fight against terrorism(and said it in the same breath as combating global frickin’ warming.) He promised to safeguard the USA against terrorism. So, during his first two days, OK, day and a half, did he sign an executive order that would offer greater protection […]

Barry Ask For Temporary Halt To G’itmo Trials

After what so many called the worst inauguration ever (don’t ask me. I was working, and I never watch them. Can’t stand all the pomp and circumstance), President Barry, after a couple Marlboro’s, made a decision. Sort of Hours after taking office on Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama ordered military prosecutors in the Guantanamo war […]

Obama To Order Iraq Withdrawl On Day One?

So says Axelrod Incoming White House senior adviser David Axelrod said this morning that President-elect Barack Obama will fulfill his campaign promise and begin on Wednesday the process of withdrawing America forces from Iraq within 16 months. “He believes that that is a reasonable timetable. We’ve moved a great distance from the time he started […]

Where To Put The G’itmo Jihadis?

ABC News is all a twitter with news of a secret list (not anymore) of potential vacation spots for the G’itmo inmates The U.S. military has prepared a list of U.S. military bases that could be used to house as many as 250 detainees currently being held at the U.S. Naval base in Guantanamo Bay, military […]

Surrender Monkey Friday: One Last BDS Column From Krugman (?)

Even the Surrender Monkey’s cousin, who posed for the banner, can’t believe the idiocy and Bush Derangement Syndrome from Paul Krugman and the NY Times. For people who claim to be progressives and liberals, who look towards the future, they just can’t let go of the past. Nor can they join people here in Reality […]

Welcome To The New Spending Plan

I wonder if any Republicans will have the cajones to stand up against some of the insanity, which you can see over at Townhall. A few choice bits $300 million to provide rebates for people who purchase Energy Star products – seems like people are already getting “rebates” for making a wise purchase $600 million […]

H.R. 45: Here Comes Gun Control

I said it several times, it wasn’t Obama you had to worry about, but Nancy Pelosis’ House, when it came to gun control. Sure, Obama will easily sign it, unlike what Bush would have done, but, here we go! H.R. 45: Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (Introduced in House) […]

Pirate's Cove