January 15, 2009 – 9:48 am
Change You Count On Changing When It Changes Because It Changes Because Change Is Hard To Change (my brain hurts now). And, of course, the story comes from overseas, where the media is not so besotten with hopeiness of The One: Barack Obama: it is no longer essential to kill Osama bin Laden Barack Obama […]
January 13, 2009 – 8:14 am
There is a reason I, and most of the rest of the Deniers and Skeptics say that anthropogenic global warming has little to do with actual science, and more to do with control and money. So many normal everyday things you do are “bad for the environment,” ie, climate change, so they want you to pay […]
January 10, 2009 – 7:35 am
I think I actually just deleted the email in question from my Crackberry. LA Times: Breaking: Obama sends national e-mail with NO plea for money! This is no Friday joke. Word has just been received at The Ticket that President-elect Barack Obama sent out an actual e-mail today without asking for more money from tired […]
January 9, 2009 – 6:12 pm
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! And, yup, you guessed it, that “D” word is missing from this local story ABC2NEWS.COM has just confirmed that Mayor Sheila Dixon has been indicted. She faces 12 charges, in connection with an investigation into bribery scandal. Among them, perjury, theft, fraudulent misappropriation by a fiduciary and misconduct in […]
January 6, 2009 – 7:52 am
You have to respect the fact that Diane is facing reality, unlike so many leading Democrats, and, interestingly, CNN goes with a word in a headline one rarely sees in relation to a Democrat: “slams” Feinstein slams Obama CIA head pick Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the Senate’s incoming Intelligence committee chair, slammed President-elect Barack Obama’s choice of […]
January 5, 2009 – 4:26 pm
Not the most original of headlines, granted, but, gotta love the Change President-elect Barack Obama has selected Leon E. Panetta, the former congressman and White House chief of staff, to take over the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization that Mr. Obama criticized during the campaign for using interrogation methods he decried as torture, Democratic officials […]
January 5, 2009 – 7:35 am
A double shot of the family friendly from Jolly Ol’ England. First up, know what’s great? Your parents getting a divorce for better benefits David Cameron today attacked ministers’ failure to protect the family after it emerged that couples with children can become more than £5,000 a year better off if they split up or […]
January 3, 2009 – 8:48 am
The most ethical and bi-partisan Congress evah! An early partisan skirmish is likely in the House next week, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to move a rules package that would curb the GOP’s ability to derail legislation through a parliamentary maneuver it has used over the past two years. Democrats may also end the […]
January 2, 2009 – 9:03 am
One just has to love those peaceful, peace loving liberals. Usually, they are what are referred to as “stationary targets.” But, not in the Home of Liberalism/Progressivism. They are also what are commonly referred to as “criminals,” or, in their vernacular, “candidates for rehabilitation” It’s been more than three monthsand the rainy season has begun, […]
December 30, 2008 – 3:31 pm
After years of the Credentialed Clueless Media discussing the vacationers at Guantanamo Bay with a plaintive cry, hey, Barry’s a comin’, maybe we should reconsider President-elect Barack Obama vowed on the campaign trail to shut down the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay. But he never said what he would do with the prisoners there. […]