Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

Obama, Golf, Palestinian Lobbyists

Poor Barry. Just trying to take a long, long vacation, play a few rounds, and those darned lobbyists keep bugging him. Can you imagine the way the press would have treated Bush in 2000, or, heck, McCain had he not blown the election, if he was taking a long vacation as there was a financial meltdown […]

Barney Frank Whines About Rev. Rick Warren

Interestingly, I don’t remember Frank complaining about Jeremiah Wright nor Michael Pfleger at the time, nor can I find any stories where he did complain, but, now The latest criticism over President-elect Barack Obama’s controversial selection of Pastor Rick Warren to deliver his inauguration invocation comes from Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Barney Frank, one of the only […]

Barry Picking AGW Climahysterics For Key Positions

Get ready to welcome crazy regulations and higher energy prices, folks: Advocates for Action on Global Warming Chosen as Obama’s Top Science Advisers President-elect Barack Obama has selected two of the nation’s most prominent scientific advocates for a vigorous response to climate change to serve in his administration’s top ranks, according to sources, sending the […]

Surrender Monkey Friday: Know What Caused Housing Issues? Lower Taxes

So much surrender to choose from. Bailout-palooza. Dems in a froth over a change in Barry’s Iraq 16 month pullout plan. Dems in a froth over Barry wanting to shift troops to Afghanistan. Dems in a froth over Barry’s political appointments. And so much more. Yet, here we have a quiet surrender, from the New […]

Good Thing Barry Wants To Run Washington With Change

Will Webster’s be updating their entry for change to “doing things the same old way?” A second Emanuel is heading for the White House. Ezekiel J. Emanuel, a prominent bioethicist at the National Institutes of Health–and the brother of incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel–will serve as a senior counselor at the White […]

Good News! Consumer Friendly Credit Card Rules A Comin’!

Like, you know, totally, like, you know, cool! Consumers will be shielded from increases in interest rates on existing account balances on their credit cards under new rules being adopted by federal regulators. The changes will allow credit card companies to raise interest rates only on new credit cards and future purchases or advances, rather […]

Grey Lady: The Lightbringer Can Heal All Wounds In Africa

Your snort worthy Op-Ed from the New York Times. After spending many, many, many paragraphs describing how bad the conflict between Rwanda and Congo has been, including a slight mention of the genocide in Rwanda (but no mention of how many – 850,000 – nor how the United Nations and Clinton looked the other way), […]

Obama: Lawfull Gun Owners Have Nothing To Fear

The Messiah Speaks (must type in capitals when speaking about Him) As gun sales shoot up around the country, President-elect Barack Obama said Sunday that gun-owning Americans do not need to rush out and stock up before he is sworn in next month. “I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the […]

Good News For The Pro-Amnesty Crowd: Here Comes Cecilia Muñoz

Change you can believe in! An 18-year veteran of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), who advocated for federal legislation to give the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States a path to citizenship, has been tapped for President-elect Barack Obama’s White House staff.  Cecilia Muñoz, who currently serves as senior vice […]

AGW Today: Lawyers, Climahysterics And Cows, Oh My!

Oh, OK, I know, headline is a little too cutesy for a Monday morning. Brain f*rt (H/t Liberalism is a mental disorder) Farmers are being warned they could pay a stiff price for their contributions to global warming. That could happen if the Environmental Protection Agency goes forward with regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the […]

Pirate's Cove