February 15, 2008 – 7:57 am
Happy Friday to all! It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Remember that meme of the Democrats, that […]
February 7, 2008 – 4:23 pm
Is it partisan politics, Bush Derangement Syndrome, or simply sheer incompetence? Though it’s sometimes hard to tell, the Bush Administration has another year left and a government to run in the interim. Is it too much to ask the Senate to do its job of advice and consent, and allow up-or-down votes on the more […]
January 29, 2008 – 8:02 am
I’m not quite sure when Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-Kansas) actually said “transform,” but, like all the other liberals that hate America, it appears that the Credentialed Media at CNN sure want that to happen. So, the Dems trotted up Gov. Sebelius, appropriately dressed as a mannequin (or is she usually that stiff?). You remember her. […]
January 15, 2008 – 6:37 pm
Via Memeorandum (I’m not going to look at the other links first, in case someone plays the G’itmo card), from Politico The processed cheese has been replaced with brie. The Jell-O has made way for raspberry kiwi tarts and mini-lemon blueberry trifles. Meatloaf has moved over for mahi mahi and buns have been shunted aside […]
December 30, 2007 – 10:51 am
Or should that be pink balloons? Really heavy ones that plow through the mantle of the Earth. (crossposted at Right Wing News) Let’s start with the Democrats 6 for ’06. What were they? Honest leadership and open government Energy independence A healthcare system that works for everyone Real security Economic prosperity and educational excellence Secure […]
December 24, 2007 – 8:14 am
Happy Monday! The start of a new work week, time to get busy, to shift some…..oops, I guess being the day before Christmas, a day designed (unintentionally) to drive progressives crazy. Notice that they are taking the paid day off, though. How ‘bought a beer? I know some other people who need a beer, especially […]
December 14, 2007 – 5:06 pm
Via Hot Air: The bill (on waterboarding), a House-Senate compromise to authorize intelligence operations in 2008, also blocks spending 70 percent of the intelligence budget until the House and Senate intelligence committees are briefed on Israel’s Sept. 6 air strike on an alleged nuclear site in Syria. Say what? Why does it always seem as if […]
December 14, 2007 – 7:45 am
Happy Friday to all! It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Yes, the boys and girls of Delta […]
December 11, 2007 – 1:08 pm
Democrats can talk about cleaning this practice up, but, that is really about as far as it gets Even as House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer has joined in steps to clean up pork-barrel spending, the Maryland congressman has tucked $96 million worth of pet projects into next year’s federal budget, including $450,000 for a […]
December 4, 2007 – 4:58 pm
Talk about having ones head in the sand U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette of Colorado (Democrat)Â made news this past week by endorsing Sen. Hillary Clinton for president. She’ll be back in the spotlight in coming weeks as she continues her fight for federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research in light of a promising new study that […]