December 3, 2007 – 7:52 am
Buenos Monday! The start of a new work week. Time to get busy, revolutionize outside the box, shift a few paradigms, be productive. How ’bout a beer? Illegal aliens – can’t really call them undocumented workers, since so many of them steal valid social security numbers and/or get legal drivers licenses – are raising a […]
November 8, 2007 – 8:41 am
I’m just wondering, when is the Democrat led Congress going to get off its fanny and take up the issue of all the tainted Chinese products streaming into the U.S.A.? You would think the safety of our people, particularly the children, would be an important topic, a little more important then their retreat and defeat […]
November 8, 2007 – 8:04 am
Don’t ya just love how the Democrats are always yammering on about “tax cuts for the rich?” And how they have distorted the tax cuts as they refer to the Middle Class? And how they want to “roll back” the tax cuts on the rich? As Neal Boortz constantly states, if you get a paycheck, […]
October 28, 2007 – 12:51 pm
I think they are confusing “being at work” with “doing actual work” (via NY Times. Have you ever noticed that stories that are even somewhat negative tend to appear in the Gray Lady on Saturday? The editors must go on a serious bender on Friday nights) Shortly after winning a majority last year, Democrats triumphantly […]
October 26, 2007 – 3:19 am
Sigh. Democrats continue to play political games, rather then passing good legislation Once again defying a veto threat from President Bush, the House on Thursday passed a bill to provide health insurance for 10 million children. But supporters did not have enough votes to override the promised veto. The bill was approved by a vote […]
October 24, 2007 – 3:11 pm
No, really, he does. He loves it so much, he is going to do this A top to bottom review. Think he plans to deem most everything “wasteful?” I do. Military projects like Star Wars have always caused liberals heartburn. God forbid we should have the ability to shoot down nuclear missiles headed our way! […]
October 18, 2007 – 5:42 pm
I wonder sometimes why I do not get myself off the Democrat mailing lists, which I am on due to registering at, the official website of the Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza, I mean, Democrat Party. Then I recieve a goody like this Dear William, If there’s ever been a day that shows how important […]
October 4, 2007 – 10:03 pm
Look, the Democrat led Congress finally did something The Senate overwhelmingly approved $3 billion for added border security that includes a 700-mile fence on the Mexico border, as Democrats lost another bid to force a U.S. pullout from Iraq. The popular border security measure, an amendment to the $459 billion defense appropriations bill, passed 95-1, […]
September 22, 2007 – 1:55 am
To add on to what I posted Thursday WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate rejected legislation today that would have ordered most U.S. troops home from Iraq in nine months, culminating a losing week for Democrats who failed to push through any anti-war proposal. The vote, 47-47, fell 13 votes short of the 60 needed to […]
September 14, 2007 – 3:54 pm
Hey you! Stop looking at that! New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine on Thursday held firm against demanding immediate anti-corruption action a day after a Democratic senator dropped a re-election bid amid a federal investigation. Republicans have demanded Corzine use his authority to force the Legislature into session to enact ethics overhauls, but Corzine, a […]