May 17, 2007 – 6:59 am
It seems that Congress is having a wee bit of trouble: PRINCETON, NJ — A new Gallup Poll finds continued low levels of public support for both Congress and President George W. Bush. Twenty-nine percent of Americans approve of Congress, down slightly from last month’s reading (33%) and this year’s high point of 37%, while […]
May 15, 2007 – 8:18 am
See, it would really be unfair to say they have no agenda or plan, as they do. And the primary part of said agenda, now that the whole "we are going to be the most ethical Congress ever" idea is dead, is leaving Iraq ASAP, regardless of the situation on the ground. But, hey, we all know […]
May 10, 2007 – 3:07 pm
It is. Really. Not kidding. Bear with me. (Washington Times) House Democrats yesterday were expected to block Republican efforts to strip a global-warming study from a bill setting intelligence policy, hours after top retired military officials lauded Democratic efforts to link climate change with national security. House Republicans are gearing up for a floor showdown […]
May 8, 2007 – 10:07 am
Just when I thought it was going to be a boring news day, what with the Dems 100 day legislative blitz done with (snicker) and them regrouping for another round of "cut and run" legislation, I catch this story via Michelle Malkin A federal commission recommended yesterday that the U.S. government provide $125 million to […]
May 8, 2007 – 8:13 am
Seriously, where are the Congressional investigations? Where are any? Who is looking in to Diane Feinstein and her military contracts? Congress is all hot and bothered over the justice department lawyers WASHINGTON (CNN) — Congressional investigators are looking into new allegations a top official at the Justice Department illegally hired career lawyers based on their […]
May 3, 2007 – 8:57 am
And a good Thursday morning to all. I have mentioned previously the "Hate Crimes" bill the Defeatocrats want to pass, and now, get this ( – Leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have scheduled a vote on a "hate crimes" bill for Thursday, which is also the National Day of Prayer. One conservative group […]
April 5, 2007 – 7:43 am
Question of the day (other then "how many liberals will congratulate Iran for their moderate stance on hostage taking and releasing?"): how many times have you heard Democrats say the president is trashing the Constitution? They say it on virtually everything Bush does. Holding foreign fighters at G'itmo? Trashing the Constitution. Excerting Executive rights? Trashing […]
April 2, 2007 – 8:13 am
And a good start to the work week. How 'bout a beer? One of the darlings of the left brings it [gv data=”vTCema-jLlg”][/gv] See, the Democrats do want to work with President Bush. But, it is a one way affair. Remember Harry Reid saying this? "Rather than making all the threats that (Bush) has, let's work […]
March 29, 2007 – 1:57 pm
Remember back when Democrats promised to be more ethical? Remember when they promised to chill the lobbying? Remember when they said America needs a new direction, and that they would have the highest ideals? Apparently, they don't The federal agency that tracked pork-barrel spending during the 12 years of the Republican congressional majority has discontinued […]
March 27, 2007 – 3:27 pm
Has anybody kept track of just how many cut and run plans the Democrats have come up with so far? I'm thinking it is about 22 or so (from the Washington Post) In one of the more unusual proposals to emerge in the Senate debate on Iraq withdrawal, Sen. Mark Pryor wants to keep any […]