Category Archives: Dems in Charge: Now What?

Pelosi’s First Order Of Business

You really have to love the Dems and their priorities WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ — Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on Democrats' commitment to ethics reform in the 110th Congress: "Democrats will pursue an aggressive legislative agenda during the first days of the new Congress that serves the public interest rather […]

Dems, Any Plans? + ECU Over NC State

Since it was another quiet politics day, I wonder if the Demorats have advised us of their plans for the next Congressional session. No? They are just bitching and moaning over who gets what office? Daaaaaammmmmmmn! Meanwhile, "we are the Pirates of ECU!!!!!!!" slap North Carolina State around in Raleigh. 21-10 is the final. Link for […]

House Dems Say You Do Not Pay Enough For Gas

Let me get this straight: Democrats have railed at President Bush, Republicans, and the oil industry for high gas prices for years now, despite the cost being associated with apparent supply vs demand. I'm not going to delve into all he factors, except to say that the ever increasing use of oil by China is […]

Liberal Advocacy Groups Make Their Wish Lists

And a few things seem to be missing (from CNN) After years playing defense, liberal advocacy groups see the Democrats' takeover of Congress as a long-awaited chance to convert some of their goals into law. Their wish lists include workplace protections for gays, a broader hate-crimes law, and a multi-pronged push to reduce unplanned pregnancies. […]

Nance Pelosi Looking For Another Loss

She lost on Murtha, now, possibly on Jane Harman (from The Hill) Eighteen members of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of conservative House Democrats, wrote Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Thursday imploring her to choose Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) to chair the House Intelligence Committee next year. "Congresswoman Harman has served as Ranking Member of […]

WTW: Surrender In Iraq Is The Right Thing To Do

And a good redneck morning to all. Prophet Sallami Sallami Mohammed here to let you know that all you neocons out there really need to listen to those wonderful Democrats. Video: More Surrender Monkey See? Leaving Iraq before the mission is done wouldn't be a bad thing. And, we promise not to take advantage of […]

Congressional Oversight: What Happened to Separation of Powers?

You know, wasn't it just a few months ago where the Democrats Dhimmicrats were complaining that President, or, as they write it, pResident, Bush was usurping the powers of the Congress, particularly in the realm of creating law regarding captured enemy insurgents and electronic surveillence of terrorists? Yet, now they plan on tons of not […]

Dems=Tax Hikes?

This goes to show, they will try! Democrats rested on Wednesday following their victory to take over both houses of Congress. But sure enough by Thursday the calls for tax increases were put on the table by the Democrats' top economic advisor, Robert Rubin. Rubin served as Treasury Secretary in the Clinton Administration and as […]

Dems Defense Pledge: Will They Pay The Offense?

The Washington Post, usually the Dhimmicrats cheerleading section, band and the guy with the oversize yelling thingamabob with a donkey on it, asks "can Dems fulfill security pledge?" Democratic leaders preparing to take control of Congress have vowed to push through a host of reforms recommended two years ago by the Sept. 11 commission, such […]

Pelosi’s Not Weak On National Defense, Right?

Let's ask Insight Magazine Rep. Nancy Pelosi plans to sideline colleagues who are hawkish on national security in the Democratic leadership in the House. Democratic Party sources said as House Speaker, Ms. Pelosi plans to block moves that would place hawks into important chairmanships. The sources said a key casualty would be Rep. Jane Harman, […]

Pirate's Cove