September 15, 2010 – 9:30 am
This has been floated around ever since Obama took office, yet, most people probably thought “there is no way even this group of Democrats could possibly consider nationalizing individual IRA’s”. Alas, no, as the American Thinker points out Is the government making plans to confiscate your retirement money? The Obama administration is certainly exploring the […]
September 15, 2010 – 7:53 am
Yesterday we learned, via CNN through Hot Air, of this The source tells CNN that Kaine will announce something that will excite Democrats across the country. Kaine’s event comes as Democrats face the difficult task of holding onto their majorities in the House and Senate this November. Could this be the big news, posted at […]
September 8, 2010 – 9:20 am
Strange that we always hear that Democrats are for the little guy. If so, they wouldn’t be looking to raise taxes on small business owners, nor enact legislation that drives companies out of business, putting “the little guy” on the unemployment line The last major GE factory making ordinary incandescent light bulbs in the United […]
September 8, 2010 – 7:47 am
Did Democrats really think there would be no rate hikes due to their monstrous legislation, which most probably didn’t read? Health insurers say they plan to raise premiums for some Americans as a direct result of the health overhaul in coming weeks, complicating Democrats’ efforts to trumpet their signature achievement before the midterm elections. Aetna […]
September 7, 2010 – 7:53 am
As more and more media outlets publish stories about just how bad the economy is, particularly the unemployment situation, I wonder if they will finally place the blame where it belongs, namely, on President Obama and the elected Democrats? You know that they will certainly blame Republicans in the House, which they are sure to […]
September 6, 2010 – 12:01 pm
Question #1: how the hell did this story make it past the Washington Post editors and actually get published, including being shown on the front page of the Web (though not front page in the dead tree edition)? Small businesses feel squeezed by Obama policies Last year, even as he struggled through the worst of […]
September 6, 2010 – 8:23 am
What’s that saying about “doing the same thing and expecting different results”? It really doesn’t matter if Obama went to Columbia and Harvard. It doesn’t matter that he is POTUS. The guy is an idiot. That is the only answer to one of Obama’s latest economic stimulus plans Vowing to find new ways to stimulate […]
September 3, 2010 – 4:59 pm
Just kidding. In fact, they are pretty much letting the legislation die on the vine Ann Kirkpatrick wants a pay cut and she’s getting testy about having to wait so long to get it. Last March, U.S. Rep. Kirkpatrick sponsored legislation to cut congressional salaries a modest 5%, saying it was high time that Congress […]
September 3, 2010 – 11:56 am
Let’s see: Obama announce a whopping 1,200 troops would sorta kinda maybe help out at the border (don’t blame the NG folks because they have been given a barely helpful mission) back in May. Here it is September 3rd, and a total of 30 have been deployed to Arizona, and…… The New Mexico National Guard […]
August 26, 2010 – 9:21 am
First, you have to live with the consequences of terrible economic policy that is destroying America, next Budget cuts are forcing police around the country to stop responding to fraud, burglary and theft calls as officers focus limited resources on violent crime. Cutbacks in such places as Oakland, Tulsa and Norton, Mass. have forced police […]