Category Archives: Europe

Say, I Thought The World Would Love Us With Barry In Charge?

No unicorns in Sweden Three supermarkets have been destroyed and a fourth damaged in central Sweden in what police say might have been a series of anti-American arson attacks. Ironically, the group they think is behind these arsons is Global Intifada, which is not composed of Muslims, but, in fact, far far far left Socialists […]

Nanny State Health Today: You Cost Too Much To Live

A preview of one of the things that will happen as Obama and the Democrats turn the USA into a socialized/nationalized health care nation. From ye olde Great Britain Last Thursday the Office for National Statistics confirmed that more than 20 patients a day now die from the superbug infections, MRSA and C difficile. NHS […]

The Dhimmitude Of Britain Continues: Geert Wilders Banned

This begs the question, how soon will sites like The Jawa Report, Little Green Footballs, and the Counterterrorism Blog be banned in Britain? Dutch protest Britain’s ban of right-wing lawmaker The British government has banned Dutch right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders from visiting the country to show his anti-Islam film “Fitna” at the Houses of Parliament. Wilders […]

Pirate's Cove