Category Archives: Europe

Norway: That’s Super You’re The Norwegian Of The Year. Bye Bye!

They’re really not too keen on illegals in Norway The decision to deport Madina Salamova, 25, has sparked a nationwide debate about Norway’s immigration laws, triggered public protests, and put the country’s centre-left government on the defensive. The girl, who is better known under her literary pseudonym ‘Maria Amelie’, moved to Norway in 2003 with […]

Spain Learns That Solar Really, Really Needs Government Handouts

Apparently, without government money, solar power might not even be able to power its own life support The Spanish government has launched a new regulatory framework that will result in subsidized tariffs for ground-mounted solar energy projects drop 45% this year, killing future investment in the trade, which industry leaders expect will be frozen in […]

ClimaHypocrite Obama Heads To Europe For More Fail

I’m not sure how this is going to stop the seas from rising and start the healing of the Earth If President Barack Obama is not yet convinced that his international star power has faded, his next round of transatlantic summitry should clear up any lingering doubts. Coming off a marathon Asia trip where Obama […]

Europe In A Panic Over Portugal

Things are not going well, as Portugal make take the Euro down The euro is facing an unprecedented crisis after another country indicated last night that it was at a “high risk” of requiring an international bail-out. Portugal became the latest European nation to suggest it was on the brink of seeking help from Brussels […]

Britain Slowly Doing Away With Government Health Care

As America slowly moves towards full government run health care, Britain, a country 1/40th the size of the USA in geography (#79 on the size chart, with the USA at #3) is moving away from single payer and government control, and has actual plans to do this Perhaps the only consistent thing about Britain’s socialized […]

Friday Stupid: EU Court Blocks Extradition Of Jihadis Because Barry Might Treat Them Meanly

Oh, ok, I know, it’s not necessarily fair to drag Obama into this, but, hey, he is The President, right? That was the standard set while Bush was president. Getting beyond that, this incredible article shows exactly what Obama and the Democrats want to do with the American court system, namely, outsource oversight and sovereignty […]

7/7 Britain Worried 7/7 Investigation Might Focus On Muslims

Whew! The dhimmitude of Britain continues Senior civil servants warned ministers that if they ordered a public inquiry into the July 7 suicide bombings it could “focus negatively” on Britain’s Muslim community, it can be revealed. The warning was delivered in a briefing paper to Charles Clarke, the then-home secretary, as he considered whether or […]

Senate Decides That Greece Isn’t Too Big Too Fail

Well, well, well. The stopped clock landed on the correct time, as even Democrats have decided to take a chill on spending W The People’s money. For the moment, anyhow Europe may have to clean up its own mess after all. The US Senate has voted 94:0 to block use of taxpayers’ money for IMF […]

Washington Post Worries About Europe’s Socialism Going To Hell In A Handbasket

It is truly getting humorous (but not in a good way) how the MSM keeps telling us how bad things are in Europe, and how all their socialist nanny state big government lifestyles are going down the drain, so, they need to cut back, despite all the protestations, yet, never makes the connection to what […]

Washington Post Cheers Europe Moving Away From Leftist Big Government Policies

First we had the NY Times saying “perhaps that socialism stuff ain’t all that great in Greece,” now we have the Washington Post chiming in The massive emergency fund assembled to defend the value of the euro is backed by a political gamble with an uncertain outcome: that European governments will rewrite a post-World War […]

Pirate's Cove