March 23, 2010 – 12:05 pm
A taste of things to come A prize draw which rewarded ambulance crews for referring patients to a GP instead of taking them to hospital has been abandoned following complaints from doctors and patients. Bins that are only emptied every two weeks should be treated as “health hazards” that could easily pass on E.coli and […]
February 25, 2010 – 7:54 pm
Remember when Obama and the left would make our relations with the world all rainbows and unicorn poots? Well, how’s that working out? Washington refused to endorse British claims to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands yesterday as the diplomatic row over oil drilling in the South Atlantic intensified in London, Buenos Aires and at the […]
January 23, 2010 – 10:18 am
Aren’t you just dying for this to come to the USA from England? Hospitals will have to reduce services, sell off buildings and move into smaller premises to cope with financial pressures in the next few years, the head of the foundation trusts’ regulatory body has warned. William Moyes, who steps down from his role […]
January 12, 2010 – 7:54 am
For years, Britain has allowed an ever growing population of Muslims, including illegals, who tend to gravitate to radical Islam. Britain has tolerated these radical Muslims, has tolerated those who believe in jihad, terrorism, a worldwide caliphate, and so on. Maybe they are catching a clue that tolerance is not always a good thing The […]
December 5, 2009 – 10:00 am
The dhimmitude of Britain continues MINISTERS have been BANNED from using words like Islamist and fundamentalist – in case they offend Muslims. An eight-page Whitehall guide lists words they should not use when talking about terrorism in public and gives politically correct alternatives. They are told not to refer to Muslim extremism as it links […]
November 21, 2009 – 9:55 am
On Friday, we found out that the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit server was hacked, which was, as The Air Vent put it, 62mb of gold. The files, especially the emails, are very damning to the AGW movement, and could be the final nail in the coffin of human induced global warming, er, […]
November 9, 2009 – 10:00 am
The 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall has become a rather big deal over the last few days, with lots of people chiming in in the media. They all seem to be forgetting one thing: it would not have happened, at least certainly not that early, if it wasn’t for Reagan’s brilliant […]
October 23, 2009 – 6:16 pm
The Bush administration has done so much damage to American foreign relations that the president take a more active role in diplomacy than might have been true 20 or 30 years ago. If we think that meeting with the president is a privilege that has to be earned, that reinforces the sense that we stand […]
September 18, 2009 – 9:25 am
With all due respect, there were quite a lot of people on the Right getting upset over Obama’sdecision to do away with the Poland-Czechoslovakia radar/missile shield that President Bush had envisioned. Yes, there were two reasons to be concerned. One, President Chump decided to make this announcement on the 70th anniversary of Russia invading Poland, […]
August 26, 2009 – 4:27 pm
Just another day under British government health blockage After weeks of excruciating pain, Mark Wattson was understandably relieved to have his appendix taken out. Doctors told him the operation was a success and he was sent home. But only a month later the 35-year-old collapsed in agony and had to be taken back to Great […]