Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

Kawasaki To Release EV Motorcycle That Has People Wondering If It’s A Joke

If I still lived at the beach this might be fine, but, I’d rather spend a whole lot less on a scooter/moped, because you can usually park them at the bike racks rather than an actual parking spot. But, this is a climate cult thing Kawasaki sparks debate after revealing specs of its first-ever electric […]

Climate Cultists Block Macy’s Parade In Solidarity With Terrorists

Do these type of stunts really help the cause? Or, do they turn even supporters off? And, of course, the climate cult has to inject themselves in other affairs #BREAKING: Protesters SHUT DOWN Macy's Parade route by GLUING THEMSELVES to the ground, demanding "Liberation for Palestine and Climate" blocking Sinclair Oil Corporation Dinosaur balloon.#Thanksgiving#MacysParade Video […]

LGB Invokes Wartime Powers To Fund Heat Pumps

Will any member of the media ask him if he has a heat pump at either of his Delaware homes? Or at the White House? Heck, even the right leaning media fails to ask Biden these types of questions Biden invokes wartime powers to fund electric heaters as he cracks down on gas appliances President […]

EV Sales So Bad In Deep Republican State Of Colorado That Government Offers Extra Incentives

Darned Republicans always having to be difficult when listening to Biden and other Warmists just wanting to do What’s Best For The Planet State offers residents major incentive to give up their gas cars: ‘It’s one we hope to have in existence for years’ Colorado is offering residents an extra $6,000 rebate for driving new […]

Your Fault: Climate Doom Is Sexist

You just need to mind your p’s and q’s, mister! Six ways climate change is sexist (and what you can do to fight it) When climate-fueled hurricanes hit coastlines, when unseasonable droughts kill crops, and when hundred-year floods surge through river valleys, it all makes the existing inequalities between men and women, boys and girls, […]

Sob: AOC Upset She Can’t Replace Her Tesla With A Union Made EV

She could have purchased a Chevy Bolt, but, that would apparently have been Inconvenient AOC’s admission over her Tesla purchase sparks debate online: ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a strong supporter of both the environment and American unions, Electrek reported. That’s why she wants to trade in her Tesla […]

Federal Climate Cultists Super Excited To Fight By Refurbishing Federal Buildings

I wholeheartedly think they should do this. Take out all air-conditioning systems that do not comply with Biden’s mandates. They can only use energy from “renewables”, no fossil fuels or coal (which is what most in DC use). Heating systems will be set to 62F and no more. Mean will not be allowed in the […]

NYC Businesses Look To Get Climate (scam) Regulations Rolled Back

It would be interesting to know how many of these business owners have voted for Democrats over the years NY businesses launch $1M push to roll back climate-change laws that left city ‘at a crossroads’ New York businesses are launching a $1 million campaign to push Gov. Kathy Hochul and state lawmakers to ease anti-pollution […]

Your Fault: Fight Against AIDS, Malaria, And TB Endangered By Climate Crisis (scam)

This is a new one. It’s almost like Reuters said “hey, let’s find things that haven’t been blamed and worked it in” Climate change hitting fight against AIDS, TB and malaria Climate change and conflict are hitting efforts to tackle three of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, the head of the Global Fund to Fight […]

Climate Nuts To Spend Weekend Protesting Fossil Fuels

I can’t wait to see how much trash they leave behind, and whether they realize that most of their clothes, signs, special coffees, and smartphones are all made using petroleum Global climate protests demand world leaders phase out fossil fuels Climate protesters were set to take to the streets in more than 50 countries from […]

Pirate's Cove