Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

Having Fixed All Their Issues, San Francisco Considers Lifting Ferry Building Due To Climate Doom

It’s not like SF is having issues with crime, businesses and citizens leaving, stolen and broken into cars, homelessness, open drug use, and poop and pee in the streets, right? San Francisco considers lifting the Ferry Building by 7 feet to save it from the sea San Francisco’s waterfront is on the National Register of Historic […]

Your Fault: Our ‘Climate Change’ Dystopian Future Is Here

The best part of this is the source: Al Jazeera. You know, the news outlet that is pretty much owned by the government of Qatar, a nation which has 70% of its total government revenue coming from petroleum and natural gas, 60% of GDP, and 85% of its exports. You know, those evil Big Oil […]

Hotcoldwetdry Take: Biden Says ‘Climate Change’ Worse Than Nuclear War

Well, nuclear war is also something Brandon is trying to make happen. Fortunately, he’s incompetent (the original Bloomberg article is beyond paywalled, you can read it here) Biden Says Climate Change Poses Greater Threat Than Nuclear War President Joe Biden said the sole threat to humanity’s existence is climate change, and that not even nuclear […]

UN Quickly Moves From “Global Boiling” To “Climate Breakdown”

It’s not really a new term, the climate cultists have been yammering about this for years, but, I guess it polls better than global boiling UN announces ‘climate breakdown’ after record summer heat “Climate breakdown has begun”, the United Nations chief has warned as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported that the world went through […]

Newbie All Sorts Of Upset Over Seeing Ads Flying From Planes At Beach

Who here has been to the beach and seen ads flying from airplanes? I grew up at the beach, and I learned to tune them out. I’ve seen them at many beaches up and down the east coast. This newbie had a snit fit, and, because it’s 2023, someone actually listened to the story and […]

ZOMG, Climate Gentrification Could Be Coming To Maui

This might be a new one to Jazz Shaw, but, I’ve read this one a few times, though the climate cultists do not trot it out that often In Hawaii, concerns over ‘climate gentrification’ rise after devastating Maui fires … More than 3,000 buildings in Lahaina were damaged by fire, smoke or both. Insured property losses alone […]

Say, What Are The Best TikTok Dances To Stop Global Boiling?

The NY Times is taking us down a whole new stupid road, and doesn’t even realize it With TikTok and Lawsuits, Gen Z Takes on Climate Change As Kaliko Teruya was coming home from her hula lesson on August 8, her father called. The apartment in Lahaina was gone, he said, and he was running […]

HotCold Take: Maui Sued Oil In 2020 Over Fire Risks Or Something

The Warmists at the NY Times think they’re on to Something Big Maui Sued Big Oil in 2020, Citing Fire Risks and More The words were strikingly prescient: Because of climate change, lush and verdant Maui was facing wildfires of “increased frequency, intensity and destructive force.” They appeared in a 2020 lawsuit filed by Maui […]

We Need To Discuss Cocaine, Eels, And The Climate Crisis (scam)

This is what a cult looks like: a perfectly reasonable article on the issue of cocaine in the waters causing issues with wildlife, ala cocaine bear, and then they had to drag ‘climate change’ into it because it’s required these days Eels, Cocaine and Climate Change This summer many media outlets smelled blood in the […]

Enviroweenies: We Want Renewable Energy. Also Enviroweenies: But, Not There

How many times have we seen this: the enviroweenies/Warmists demand more and more “green” energy, but, the minute either the government or private sector tries to do it they try to stop it. Remember the Cape Wind Project, and how long they tried to stop it, along with grand high poobahs in the climate cult […]

Pirate's Cove