August 14, 2023 – 7:15 am
I can’t wait till the citizens of Colorado who voted for the politicians who pass these laws complain about the rising costs and loss of jobs Colorado’s Next Big Climate Solution Is Reducing Industry Emissions Colorado is implementing a groundbreaking plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an often overlooked but critical economic sector— […]
August 3, 2023 – 3:00 pm
This is horrible! Climate Change Is Making Waves Bigger in California The weather is warming, ice caps are melting, and we’re all basically screwed. That’s the basic, highly unscientific premise of climate change and global warming, right? Unless we can reverse a century and change worth of fossil fuel damage to the ozone, or find […]
July 24, 2023 – 7:00 am
This is per Climate cult member Jay Inslee, who couldn’t even get his own climate cult agenda through in his own state which votes overwhelmingly liberal Washington’s governor on climate: ‘The Earth is screaming at us’ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said Sunday that this summer’s record-setting heat is proof that climate change is harming the […]
July 20, 2023 – 7:00 am
This is all because you refuse to give up your fossil fueled vehicle Workers might have to ditch the 9-5 for the 6-2 because of climate change, Oxford study says Dolly Parton’s famous call for “workin’ 9-5” could become a thing of the past, as climate change continues to wreak havoc on the planet, and […]
July 19, 2023 – 7:00 am
Eco-wackos/Warmists: we totally want all sorts of green energy and electric vehicles Manufacturers/government: we need to mine lots of precious metals and such like lithium Eco-wackos/Warmists: nope, we cannot allow that, we’ll sue 9th Circuit denies bid by environmentalists and tribes to block Nevada lithium mine The latest bid by conservationists and tribal leaders to […]
June 28, 2023 – 3:00 pm
What could possibly go wrong, and how much will it cost, and then how much will it cost to fix what they tried to fix? European Union to look into blocking sun’s rays to combat climate change: Report The European Union is set to look into blocking rays from the sun as a possible option to combat […]
June 21, 2023 – 11:18 am
It’s 11:18am, folks Enjoy your final minutes, because, according to Greta Thunberg & her "top climate scientist" humanity will be "wiped out" at 11.18am today, because we didn't stop using fossil fuels five years ago… ???????? — Martin Daubney ???????? (@MartinDaubney) June 21, 2023
June 15, 2023 – 7:00 am
But, yeah, keep saying this is all about science, and has nothing to do with far left authoritarian politics What Is Climate Colonialism? What to Know About Why Climate Change and Colonialism Are Linked. They might not be two terms you expect to see together in any context but climate change and colonialism are inextricably […]
June 3, 2023 – 7:15 am
Yes, the climate cult is deranged, and this won’t cause any problems with the cost of milk and beef going forward, right? Ireland’s mooted cow massacre is a warning to net zero Britain The collateral damage of net zero is now getting uncomfortably close to home. First Dutch farmers were threatened with compulsory purchases to satisfy EU emissions targets, […]
May 15, 2023 – 7:15 am
It’s always something with the climate cult, eh? They’re always looking for new things to Blamestorm CLIMATE CHANGE LINKED TO INCREASED PIRATE ATTACKS Climate change isn’t just causing weird weather patterns, like stronger storms or flood surges wreaking havoc on coastal communities and infrastructure. Apparently, scientists say, we can also blame it for — we shit you […]