Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

Good News: There’s A Special Fire Truck For EV Fires

I remember about 12 years ago or so a firefighter said they had some trucks with foam instead of water to fight potential hybrid fires. And recently a dispatcher told me they will often ask what type of car you have in the event of an accident. And now we get a dedicated truck because […]

Climate Wackos To Protest At White House Correspondent’s Dinner

Will any of them note the massive use of fossil fuels for the attendees of the dinner to show up? How about Biden’s massive use of fossil fuels? Climate change activists plan protest at White House Correspondents’ Dinner Climate change activists have announced plans to protest at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday where […]

California Wants Trains To Be Zero Emission By 2030

Hey, guess who’s going to pay for most of this, because a goodly chunk of the trains are owned and operated by government, and any who are private will pass the costs on to consumers California to Require ‘Zero Emissions’ Passenger Trains After 2030, Freight After 2035 The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has enacted new […]

Hotcoldwetdry Today: Goodbye Bolts, Cultists Messing With Tires, Eco-Nuts, Dragged Off

Chevy realized that most people do not want tiny EVs, so they’re going to focus on bigger, more expensive vehicles, leaving the lower middle class and working class out Production of Chevrolet Bolt EVs to stop by end of 2023 as GM focuses on electric pickups General Motors will end production of its popular Chevrolet Bolt and […]

How To Talk To Your Kids About Hotcoldwetdry On Earth Day

Nothing like teaching your kids a few things about Earth Day, like that it falls on Lenin’s birthday. On purpose. Oh, wait, this is about un-educated, brainwashed kids with no real world experience teaching you old fogies Earth Day: How to talk to your parents about climate change You want to go vegan to help […]

Climate Apocalypse Today: Judge Overturns Gas Stove Ban, Pentagon At Odds With Biden Over Offshore Wind Turbines

This is an amazing ruling, considering that the 9th Circuit court is the the most Progressive moonbat in the country, even with Trump adding more conservatives, though, it sure helped Ninth Circuit Throws Out Berkeley Ban on Gas Stoves The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit tossed a Berkeley, California, ban on gas […]

EV Driver Realizes How “Brutal” Road Trips Can Be

Once again, I’ll mention that I am not against EVs. Heck, for most of my driving one would serve me well. It’s only on those trips to the beach or up to NJ that would be a problem. Like this A 9-hour drive in Toyota’s new electric SUV showed me how brutal EV road trips […]

Chicago Is Invested In Dealing With Climate Apocalypse

Priorities! Fighting climate change in the Windy City From the start of his quest to become mayor of Chicago, progressive Brandon Johnson made environmental justice a personal issue. The former Chicago public school teacher talked about his own battles with asthma — “I grew up with asthma. I still suffer from it.” — a condition known to be exacerbated […]

Gen Z Opts Out Of Drinking Milk

Milk is great. I love milk. Tastes wonderful. Mix in a bit of chocolate Slimfast in the morning or after a workout. But, see, Gen Z apparently has a problem with milk, and it was important enough for the NY Times to write an article instead of investigating politicians and government for wrongdoing (no paywall […]

Your Personalized Ads Are Creating Climate Doom

Well, this is a new one. I do not believe I’ve ever heard the climate cult blame personalized ads before How personalised ads are contributing to climate change A new report from Global Action Plan analysing the scale of unnecessary emissions being generated by Big Tech’s business model has uncovered just how energy intensive it […]

Pirate's Cove