Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

It’s A Real Shame When Hotcoldwetdry Melts Your Relationship

It’s a mental disease. A doomsday cult caused mental disease "My boyfriend and I had been dating for six months when we had the biggest fight of our relationship over the carbon footprint of a kerosene lamp." Climate is a mental illness. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 31, 2023 From the link My boyfriend and […]

Climate Cult Is Now Coming After Asthma Inhalers

Sorry, people with medical issues and breathing problems, you are simply inconvenient for ‘climate change’, and will just have to suck it up Are inhalers contributing to climate change? When you think of climate change you might not think about people who suffer from asthma, but many of the inhalers that help people with lung […]

Climate Cult Democrats Want You To Ride An Electric Bike

Interestingly, the people pushing this the hardest are the ones who do not ride them Democrats want to make electric bikes much cheaper by giving you up to $1,500 to buy one Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill last week that would give Americans up to $1,500 off the purchase of an electric bicycle. The legislation, […]

Good Grief: Paper Calls To Charge Fossil Fuels Companies With Homicide

I have to wonder, as always, if all the people at Harvard who were involved with this paper have given up their own personal use of fossil fuels. If they’ve advocated that the school ban all private fossil fueled vehicles at the school, ban fossil fueled flights for sports teams and researchers New climate paper […]

Bummer: Insect Farming To Help Climate (scam) Might Have An Ethical Blindspot

Via Moonbattery, which notes Our globalist overlords bark that we must eat bugs to stop the climate from fluctuating. However, it has been discovered that eating insects oppresses them. Leftists need to destroy agriculture in the name of the global warming hoax before imposing a ban on eating bugs. For now, only moonbats would eat them anyway. And away […]

Secretary Of Navy Says Hotcoldwetdry Is Top Priority

Continuing the them of climate cultists ruining the U.S. military today Navy secretary cited climate change as top priority as Biden proposes shrinking the fleet Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro said he sees fighting climate change as a top priority for the Navy as the Biden administration proposes shrinking the fleet by two […]

School Feeds Kids Insects To Teach Them About Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, at least they didn’t do it with the teachers and kids dressed in drag, right? Utah school gives kids ‘disgusting’ insects to eat in class for climate assignment on cows killing the Earth A middle school in Utah’s Nebo School District gave sixth-grade students “disgusting” insects to eat last week as part of an […]

Who’s Up For Lab-grown Milk To Stop Climate Doom?

Thanks, no thanks. I prefer the real thing. That said, how soon till the Cult of Climastrology advocates that real milk be fazed out because moocows are Bad, and get politicians to push this? If you think that’s too far fetched, a conspiracy theory, you haven’t been paying attention (I’m reading the paywalled article via […]

Energy Saving Windows Can Totally Fight Climate Doom Or Something

It just goes to show that no matter the topic the Credentialed Media will drag the climate cult into the picture. Seriously, these windows are a good idea. I’d be interested. Why does this have to be a part of staving off climate doom? Energy-saving smart windows could help combat climate change Inside a factory […]

Climate Doom Today: Miami Beach, Smartphones, “Real Solutions”

Warmists are so cute when they trot out feel green projects Miami Beach Takes Action to Combat Climate Change with Innovative Seawall Project In the face of rising sea levels and increasing frequency of extreme weather events, Miami Beach has taken a bold step to protect its residents and infrastructure from the impacts of climate change. The […]

Pirate's Cove