Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

Climate Cultists Super Excited To Stop Willow Oil Project With Hashtags

Don’t expect them to actually Do Anything, like traveling to Alaska, since most do not even live their, nor give up their own use of fossil fuels #StopWillow is taking TikTok by storm. Can it actually work? When Elise Joshi posted a TikTok video about the Alaska oil drilling project known as Willow in early February, she didn’t have […]

Bummer: There’s A Big Problem In Plugging In All The Solar And Wind Projects

This is what happens when the Government throws money at an (imaginary) problem with no actual plan The U.S. Has Billions for Wind and Solar Projects. Good Luck Plugging Them In. Plans to install 3,000 acres of solar panels in Kentucky and Virginia are delayed for years. Wind farms in Minnesota and North Dakota have […]

Brandon Admin Cracks Down On Evil Washers And Fridges

I don’t think I’ve ever done an If All You See… post featuring a washer (or dryer), but, I’ve done plenty with refrigerators in them, because the Cult of Climastrology feels that they are Bad for climate apocalypse. And have stated that they will come after them. Cue the Let’s Go Brandon admin Biden admin […]

Wendy’s Goes Climahysteric, Commits To Reducing Their Carbon Footprint

Would you like a burger with a side of climate cult? Wendy’s commits to ‘ambitious’ climate change goals The Wendy’s Co. has announced targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 47% across its system, including company operations, franchisees and top suppliers, by 2030 through new science-based targets. The Dublin, Ohio-based burger brand announced near-term targets […]

Kamala Takes Fossil Fueled Trip To Pump Up Youts To Get Jobs In ‘Climate Change’

Nothing like having a bunch of neurotic, doom-focused kiddies working for companies, needing lots of time off and lots of kid gloves, eh? VP Harris: Young people will ‘leapfrog’ this generation in climate change work because they won’t face the question: ‘Is this real?’ Young people who are considering careers in climate change work have […]

Climate Cult Scientists Want To Create A Cloud Of Moon Dust Around The Earth

What could possibly go wrong? Of course, the scientists will get lots and lots of government funding, and live pretty good lives with it These researchers want to launch dust from the moon to help cool Earth Imagine a world where global warming on Earth has meaningfully diminished. Fossil fuels are on the back burner. […]

Climate Cult Youts Try A Die-In At Thurston, Oregon City Council Meeting

First question: how did they all travel to the city council meeting? Second question: how many of them are wearing clothes that use fossil fuels to manufacture and ship? How many have iPhones made in China and shipped across the Pacific using fossil fueled ships? Thurston youth ‘die’ at council meeting to protest lack of […]

Hawaiian Youths Appear In Court For Their Climate (scam) Lawsuit

So, here’s a question: without fossil fuels, how does the state of Hawaii survive? The biggest segment of their economy is tourism, over 21% of their GDP. Without tourism, all those people working for hotels, motels, restaurants, whale watching, etc and so on, are out of a job. Where do the TVs, washers and dryers, […]

Intersectional Climate Scientist Goes On Rant About White Men Or Something

Remember, this is all about science, not sociology, politics, or anything else Intersectional climate scientist goes on rant against ‘White men,’ compares pollution to ‘the fart of a dog’ An “intersectional climate scientist” compared pollution to the “fart of a dog” when explaining her approach to thinking about climate change. A TikToker named Dr. Chandler […]

Wackadoodle Extinction Rebellion Nuts Dance And Wacko, After Saying They’d Take A Break

This was just at the beginning of January UK climate group calls temporary halt to disruptive protests The U.K. division of climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion says its activists would temporarily stop blocking busy roads, gluing themselves to buildings and engaging in other acts of civil disobedience because such methods have not achieved their desired effects. […]

Pirate's Cove