December 1, 2022 – 4:50 pm
Well, this is a new one (via Watts Up With That?) Weather can affect baby names. A couple uncommon ones might be about to blow up Some parents name their babies after celebrities, others, for revered ancestors. But enjoyable weather can influence a parent’s choice as well, an analysis of hundreds of millions of baby […]
November 26, 2022 – 3:00 pm
What if, instead, they all gave up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral? If they stopped buying clothes shipped from far away? Heck, many of those clothes require petroleum. How about if they stop trying to force their own beliefs on Other People? Civil disobedience only way to protest […]
November 25, 2022 – 4:21 pm
Is it any wonder that so many youngsters are emotional messes, when their teachers, their parents, Lefty politicians, and lefty news are constantly beating the drum of doom? Over 70 Per Cent of Children Aged 7-12 Now Afraid of Climate Change – Survey More than seven in ten children aged 7-12 are now worried about […]
November 25, 2022 – 7:15 am
It’s rather hard to attract supporters when you’re acting like an unhinged wackadoodle nutjob Activist attacks on famous paintings decrease support for addressing climate change, study finds The recent spate of high-profile protests by young climate change activists, such as throwing soup at famous paintings in museums or stopping traffic on busy roadways, makes the […]
November 24, 2022 – 8:28 am
The members of the climate cult really just can’t help doing this stuff Can wild turkeys survive climate change? How long does it take to cook a wild turkey? It depends who you ask. A chef will suggest popping that bird in the oven for about two hours. Scientists, on the other hand, say it […]
November 23, 2022 – 3:00 pm
This definitely is not any sort of scam, totally science Solar geoengineering might work, but local temperatures could keep rising for years Imagine a future where, despite efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions quickly, parts of the world have become unbearably hot. Some governments might decide to “geoengineer” the planet by spraying substances into the […]
November 18, 2022 – 7:15 am
If not, you want all life on Earth to die. But, are the fees worth it? You could opt to pay extra on your next flight to help the planet. But is it a waste of money? For people trying to lower their carbon footprint in the world, flying is a conundrum. It’s wonderful to […]
November 16, 2022 – 7:00 am
China has to love this: it sidetracks the Biden admin, along with other Warmists leaders, from noticing China’s human rights abuses, the cause of COVID19, China wanting Taiwan, and many other serious, real world issues. But, lots of Warmist news outlets are squeeing in cult, such as the NY Times (paywalled), Washington Post, NBC News, […]
November 11, 2022 – 7:15 am
I’d be more impressed if he legally changed his name. Or, if he announced that he would give up his own use of fossil fuels, make his life carbon neutral, and tell all his Hollywood Comrades to do the same Actor who played Dwight on ‘The Office’ changes name to protest climate change Actor Rainn […]
November 10, 2022 – 10:30 am
It’s always amusing when these youths whine, because they have little in the way of real world experience and knowledge. They don’t really know How Things Work, especially since you can bet that the majority of them who have graduated college or are in college aren’t taking degrees in anything that truly give them valuable […]