Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

Brandon’s Pushing “Nature Based Solutions” For Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

It almost looks like Biden wants to turn military bases into hippy style nature preserves, making larges swathes unusable for training Biden promises billions for ‘nature-based solutions’ to climate change The Biden administration said it will direct billions of taxpayer dollars toward “nature-based” climate change solutions, which includes plans for “bringing the power of nature […]

Bummer: Warmists Are Missing Hot Water, Food, And Trash Cans At Climate Conference

Don’t they want to save the planet? Hot water requires lots of energy to make. Food, especially meat, is bad for the planet, we’re told. The Egyptian government should ban the use of fossil fuels, so, all those 10K+ 40K+ attendees will have to find alternative ways to get home, rather than fossil fueled flights. […]

Climate Lunatics Glue Themselves To Goya Painting In Spain

The batguano insanity is spreading Climate Activists Glue Their Hands to Francisco de Goya’s Paintings at Prado Museum in Spain Two artworks by the famous Spanish painter Francisco de Goya were the latest target in a series of demonstrations by activists around the world to raise awareness of climate change. On Saturday, two activists from […]

Dementia Joe: U.S. To Be Making Only EVs in 3035

It would simply be a slip of the tongue and no big deal if it wasn’t a constant with this guy. People do it all the time. My favorite was when Bush 43 boo-boo’d During his presidency, George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth also experienced some entertaining public exchanges. In May 2007, the queen appeared alongside […]

Climate Today: Buses, Kids Travel To COP27, Climate Contagion

Have fun, kiddies, and thank your benevolant leaders when the buses are either way too cold or way too hot, because they can’t spare the energy More kids to ride in ‘clean’ school buses, mostly electric Nearly 400 school districts spanning all 50 states and Washington, D.C., along with several tribes and U.S. territories, are […]

Climate Cultists Engage In Friendly Fire, Attack King Charles III Waxwork

Certainly, Charles has been a huge climahypocrite, but, he’s also been one of the world leaders pushing hard to Do Something about ‘climate change’. These people really are a cult Madame Tussauds: Protesters throw cake on King Charles waxwork Activists appear to have thrown cake into the face of King Charles’s waxwork at London’s Madame […]

Climate Cultists Glue Themselves At VW Plant In Germany

The best part is their complaints Germany: Climate activists glue themselves to Volkswagen visitor facility floor, criticise company for not providing bowls to urinate and defecate while being glued On Wednesday, nine environmental activists belonging to a Scientist Rebellion group that works for climate revolution in Germany glued themselves to the Porsche pavilion floor at […]

Brandon White House Looks To Modify Sunlight To Cool The Earth Or Something

What could possibly go wrong? Once a dystopian fantasy, manipulating sunlight to cool the earth is now on the White House research agenda The White House is coordinating a five-year research plan to study ways of modifying the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth to temper the effects of global warming, a process sometimes called solar […]

Climate Cultists Throw Soup On Van Gogh Painting, Glue Themselves

These people truly are nuts. Hey, I wonder how they got to the museum? Fossil fueled travel? Where did their clothes, shoes, smartphones, glue, and soup come from? How did it get to them? NOW – Climate activists defile Van Gogh's Sunflowers at the National Gallery and glued themselves to the — (@disclosetv) […]

Doom: ‘Climate Change’ Made Drought 20 Times More Likely Or Something

Say, what about the big drought in the 30’s, when carbon pollution was well below the “safe” limit of 350ppm? Climate change made this summer’s drought 20 times more likely, study finds Rising global temperatures caused by the burning of fossil fuels made this summer’s brutal droughts across the Northern Hemisphere — which dried up […]

Pirate's Cove