Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

Good News: Marines Need $5 Billion To Fight ‘Climate Change’

Another U.S. military organization being forced to go Woke, which means they will soon be worthless in protecting the U.S. and her citizens Marines need nearly $5B for integrating boot camp, fighting climate change The Marine Corps will need nearly $5 billion throughout the next 30 years to upgrade buildings at both Marine Corps recruit […]

Your Fault: China Sees Record Rainfall From COVID Shutdown

It just goes to prove that the climate cult will drag any and everything into their little cult world Climate change: Covid shutdown linked to record rainfall in China Scientists say that a rapid drop in emissions because of Covid played a key role in record rainfall in China in 2020. The decline in greenhouse […]

Most Common Excuses For Not Buy An EV Are Debunked Or Something

The funny part about these types of articles is that the author almost never says they bought and drive an EV themselves The most common excuses for not buying an electric vehicle are mostly unfounded This article is reprinted by permission from NerdWallet.  As more Americans consider an electric car, many shoppers still have questions and concerns — […]

Without Smart Charging For EVs The Power Grid Will Collapse

Here’s the thing: it may seem like I’m against EVs, but, actually no. I’ve never been a fan of the pollutants, which doesn’t include CO2, from the use of fossil fuels. Remember how clean the air was during lockdown in 2020? It was wonderful. No smell of exhaust. No smog. But, the problem here, besides […]

Your Fault: Winter Storms Caused By Heat Trapping Gases (part lots)

The climate cult just won’t give up How extreme winter storms are connected to climate change and hurting businesses The second powerful winter storm of 2022 hit a large swath of the country in early February. It dumped more than a foot of snow in parts of New York and New England, brought a wintry mix of rain, sleet […]

Brandon’s Super Excited To Buy 600K EVs For Federal Workers!

This is totally to help out with ‘climate change’! The midterm ads write themselves. “While families struggled to afford gas and groceries, Joe Biden bought 600,000 electric cars for government workers.” — Retired Orrin G. Hatch (inactive) (@RetiredOrrin) February 12, 2022 When will Biden be switching his big limo and SUV motorcade out for […]

GM Stumps For Climate Crisis (scam) With Austin Powers Super Bowl Commercial

This would be the auto manufacturer who ditched most sedan lines because they’re mostly selling pickup trucks and SUVs, right? Mike Myers’ ‘Austin Powers’ Villains Sell Climate Fear and Electric Cars in GM Super Bowl Commercial Actor and producer Mike Myers has brought back his Austin Powers villains to stump for climate change and electric […]

Bummer: Infrastructure Bill Is Bad For Climate Crisis (scam)

It wasn’t that long that the sycophants in the media, along with elected Democrats, were calling Biden’s infrastructure bill “historic” and super duper awesome. Times change because there’s a big cult around How Billions in Infrastructure Funding Could Worsen Global Warming The highways in Colorado, one of the nation’s fastest-growing states, are frequently clogged with […]

Good News: Army To Make Themselves Less Capable With Electric Vehicles

It’s bad enough that the US Army is allowing in transgenders (who have a much higher rate of mental health issues, suicidal tendencies around military grade weapons), reducing physical fitness standards, and raft of other Woke stuff. So, sure, let’s worry more about ‘climate change’ rather than protecting the U.S. and being able to project […]

Good News: Solar Panels And Wind Turbines Can Bring World Peace!

Especially if we get them from China, right? WATCH: Energy Secretary Says Solar Panels Will Bring About World Peace — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 8, 2022 From the Daily Caller article Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm suggested that solar panels and wind farms could be the key to ensuring world peace in the […]

Pirate's Cove