Category Archives: AGW Idiocy

PRC Considers Electric Motorcycle Mandate

Will this apply to the People’s Republik Of California Highway Patrol? It just wouldn’t be the same CHiPs if Ponch and Baker had to quietly buzz up to people doing wrong. Well, after charging up, patrolling for a little bit, then charging up again (via Green Jihad) California is planning new rules that ramp up […]

John Kerry, Who Was In Vietnam, Is Worried About How You Heat Your Home

This is the same guy who has multiple mansions, right? Does huddle with the servants in blankets? 100% scam; 0% science — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) October 25, 2024 Does John feat his home with solar panels when it is snowing? How about all the Heinz factories? Solar and wind powered? Meanwhile, stupid cult today […]

Who’s Up For Using The Slime In Your Dishwasher To Solve Hotcoldwetdry?

You know, it sounds like some people really need to do better with their dishwashers. Maybe clean off the food from their dishes a bit before doing the dishes. Seriously, it seems like these scientists need their moms to explain how things work, because that slime will get stinky Scientists say the slime in your […]

Your Fault: Biden-Harris Regime Recalls EV Buses Over Fire Concerns

Nothing like putting a bunch of kids on buses that have a tough time offering heat and AC. Oh, and can catch on fire Just for @WTeach2: Biden-Harris Admin Recalls Hundreds Of Electric Buses Amid Fire Concerns — Dana R Pico, descendant of Mayflower colonialists! (@Dana_TFSJ) October 16, 2024 From the link The Federal […]

Bummer: PRC Police Realize EVs Virtually Unusable

The focus her is on Tesla, but, really, this applies to all EVs California Cops Are Finding Out Teslas Are ‘Nearly Unusable’ As Police Cruises Police in California are experiencing what happens when good intentions crash into reality. Police departments are transitioning to battery powered vehicles but those vehicles come with challenges that make cops’ […]

Climate Tourism Struggles To Find Ways To Not Make Things Worse Or Something

If ‘climate change’ is so bad then why are all these Believers taking long fossil fueled trips? Why are tour operators operating them? More Travel Offerings Highlighting Interinfluence of Climate Change and Tourism Walking across a sea-level glacier in Iceland, a tour guide points out how the landscape has changed in recent years. The population of […]

The Military Is Totally Not Arguing On Climate Carnage Or Something

So, if your boss says “hey, you need to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and make plans for it, and talk about it, and tell everyone under you they have to be a part of this”, what do you do? You can either get onboard or leave, right? Why You Won’t Hear the Military Arguing […]

Good News: AOC Offers Her Opinion On Hurricanes And ‘Climate Change’

Remember the days when we were told we were only supposed to listen to credentialed climate scientists? Not someone who fails to understand garbage disposals? AOC blames climate change for recent hurricanes, says politicians are responsible Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Wednesday blamed climate change for the hurricanes impacting the southeastern U.S. recently, accusing her […]

Weird: Americans Moving To Regions (Supposedly) Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry

Well, why shouldn’t they? You have people like Obama and Al Gore buying homes at the shore. Biden has his Delaware beach house. So many of the Elites pushing climate doom have their own beach homes. That said, this cBS News article gets incredibly stupid Americans are flocking to U.S. regions most threatened by climate […]

Totally Sane: Climate Cultists “Drown” Themselves

This is totally normal behavior, right? These are totally not people crying out for a 5150 hold, right? Climate change activists ‘drown’ themselves with oil, gas and flames in nightmarish protest — New York Post (@nypost) October 4, 2024 From the article Climate change activists pretended to drown themselves in oil and gas […]

Pirate's Cove