Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Bummer: “Climate Change” Could Cause Gingers To Go Extinct

Because an increase of 1.4F over 160 years is like all doomy. But, there is something more idiotic in this article (UK Mirror) Polar bears and Emperor penguins aren’t the only species under threat due to climate change. Gingers could become extinct as a result of increasingly sunny skies, experts have warned. Scientists believe the […]

Warmist Suggest Using Beer To Talk About “Climate Change”

Which is strange, because beer is Bad for climate change, since is contains CO2 and is shown to cause obesity, as well as over-consumption of foods that are Bad for climate change Editorial: To get the climate change message across, talk about beer For years, the overwhelming scientific consensus on global warming hasn’t been enough […]

Bummer: Cows, Not Coal, Is The Real “Climate Change” Danger

So this whole anti-coal campaign has been a waste of time? Cows — Not Coal — Are the Real Climate Change Culprits President Obama recently likened denying climate change to believing the moon is made of cheese. As it turns out, ignoring this particular food’s role in climate change is just as irresponsible. Getting serious […]

New Report Breathlessly Prognosticates Economic Doom From Global Warming

Here’s Justin Gillis, one of the journalistic world’s biggest Warmists and climahysterics Bipartisan Report Tallies High Toll on Economy From Global Warming More than a million homes and businesses along the nation’s coasts could flood repeatedly before ultimately being destroyed. Entire states in the Southeast and the Corn Belt may lose much of their agriculture […]

Oops: Farmer’s Abandons “Climate Change” Lawsuit

Isn’t it strange how almost every single suit Warmists file either fails, or, most often, gets dropped? (Insurance Journal) Farmers Insurance Group, which filed nine class actions in May against nearly 200 communities in the Chicago area, is withdrawing its lawsuit. The suit accused the Illinois municipalities of failing to prepare for severe rains and […]

We’re Like Super Doomed From An Antarctic Ice Sheet

Like, super doomed, per hyper-Warmist and bloviator Chris Mooney This Ice Sheet Will Unleash a Global Superstorm Sandy That Never Ends Lots of blah blah hysteria You need to really pause, and take a deep breath, to take in what that means: A little over three meters of sea level rise is already on its […]

Bummer: Your Breakfast Is Under Assault From “Climate Change”

Well, this stinks. I really like my Apple Cinnoman Cheerios in the morning (you know you’re getting older when you don’t find Captain Crunch Peanut Butter tasty anymore. Le Sigh) (Time) Time to stock up on Corn Flakes. Oxfam says at least three of the most popular breakfast cereals are expected to increase in price […]

Sigh: Warmists Again Flogging Meme That National Landmarks Are Threatened By “Climate Change”

What picture does the USA Today use for its article? The freaking Statue Of Liberty Climate change is putting historic and cultural landmarks around the USA at risk, according to a report released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), a non-profit science advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. “Sea-level rise, coastal erosion, increased […]

Bummer: New Paper Proclaims Doom From Antarctic Melt

Of course it does. And, of course, the media itself has shifted into Dooooom! mode. Here’s the NY Times’ resident climahysteric, Justin Gillis, along with Kenneth Change Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans From Polar Melt A large section of the mighty West Antarctica ice sheet has begun falling apart and its continued melting now appears […]

HuffPo: Marco Rubio Has Climate Denial, And Florida Is Dooooooomed From Sea Rise

Like, totally doomed! Rubio: Meanwhile, a National Climate Assessment has named Miami as the city most vulnerable to damage from rising sea levels. While a Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact paper warned that water in the area could rise by as much as two feet by the year 2060. On Sunday, one of the state’s […]

Pirate's Cove