May 9, 2014 – 2:35 pm It was also called a bad work of science fiction by Tucano’s Perch. It’s actually worse (via The Hockey Schtick, where you can read the entire Wall Street Journal article, which is behind the paywall) Obama’s Climate Bomb Supervising the Earth’s climate—or at least believing humanity can achieve such miracles—may be the only political […]
May 9, 2014 – 11:06 am
Of course, all the good little Warmists, from the big folks at the national and international media, to bloggers are losing their minds over the National Climate Assessment, because “climate change is here now”. Because there was no climate change before or something. Here’s one that has gone beyond losing their minds Global warming has […]
May 7, 2014 – 8:05 am
I supposed I’m obligated to mention something about the NCA, since I blog so darned much about “climate change”. Let’s look at sea rise (CNS News)Â The National Climate Assessment released today by the White House says that as a result of climate change the sea level could rise 8 inches, 11 inches, 4 feet or […]
May 6, 2014 – 4:19 pm
Those darned greenhouse gases from Other People driving fossil fueled! Climate Change Is Not Uniform And Leads To Warming And Cooling Of Planet Temperatures are rising as well as cooling across the globe, leading researchers to warn that global warming is not uniform. Scientists have taken the first detailed look at global land surface warming […]
April 24, 2014 – 10:15 am
Well, you know what my recommendation is: Warmists should give up their own fossil fuels usage if they’re so upset. Of course, that would interfere with their lifestyles, and do things like driving and flying to “climate change” protests, like all the ones they held Tuesday, which was Earth Day. Typical climahypocrisy. Anyhow Want to […]
April 17, 2014 – 3:16 pm
Yet another horror/scifi fable brought to you by Warmists who refuse to give up their own big carbon lifestyles (Climate Progress) Add “losing fear of predators†to the long list of impacts acidifying oceans could have on fish and other marine life. A new study published in Nature Climate Change has found that elevated CO2 […]
April 15, 2014 – 11:22 am
I agree. It’s simply terrible that there has been no statistically significant warming in 17 years and 8 months, despite somewhat rising CO2 levels Climate Change as Crime Against Humanity Have you ever found yourself thinking about the fact that climate change is both caused by and benefits a certain class of people, and generally […]
April 14, 2014 – 3:06 pm
Here’s the nutty’s take on the wacky UN IPCC report Australia welcomes the release of the latest IPCC report, to be launched in Berlin today, which shows there is no excuse for funding new coal and gas projects. The report highlights the need for a drastic transition from carbon polluting fossil fuels to a […]
April 14, 2014 – 11:26 am
Unless Warmists take over and force everyone else to comply, of course Scientists warn of catastrophic climate change by 2050 Top global scientists are at their wits’ end on how to make world leaders realize that the Earth is on the brink of a climate catastrophe if they do not cooperate in cutting down their […]
April 7, 2014 – 3:56 pm
Stupid butterfly! How dare you adapt! (Guardian) A butterfly species whose population collapsed because of climate change and habitat loss has defied predictions of extinction to rapidly move to cooler climes and change its food plant. The quino checkerspot (Euphydryas editha quino), found in Mexico and California, has shifted to higher altitudes and surprisingly chosen […]