March 17, 2014 – 4:55 pm
This isn’t exactly new, NASA pimped it in September, 2013, but hardcore progressive/Warmist site RYOT is pimping this as “terrifying“. Oh, and just happens to want you to donate to the National Resources Defense Council. I had to make it a bit small to fit on the page. The left shows if CO2 reaches 550ppm […]
March 17, 2014 – 8:41 am
But not immediately. It “could” happen sometime in the future (Huffington Post) Civilisation is almost inevitably doomed, a Nasa-funded study has found. Human society is founded on a level of economic and environmental stability which almost certainly cannot be sustained, it said. The study used simplified models of civilisation designed to experiment with the balance […]
March 11, 2014 – 2:09 pm
This article brought to you by computer models and idiocy (Guardian) Researchers have warned surfers that climate change will significantly reduce the number of large waves off Australia’s east coast in the coming decades. The research found that an increase in greenhouses gases will cut the number of days with large ocean waves more than […]
March 2, 2014 – 3:07 pm
All because you took a 3 minute shower, used more than 2 sheets of TP, ran the sink while brushing your teeth, and keep the thermostat at 68 instead of 58 Climate Change Means Living Sicker and Dying Quicker With much of the country still suffering through a record cold snap, it’s hard to think […]
March 1, 2014 – 2:47 pm
We’re doomed or something, so says Time’s resident climahysteric, Bryan Walsh Thanks to Climate Change, West Nile Virus Could Be Your New Neighbor Invasive species aren’t just species—they can also be pathogens. Such is the case with the West Nile virus. A mosquito-borne virus identified in the West Nile subregion in Uganda in 1937—hence the […]
February 27, 2014 – 3:57 pm
Might this be the start of Warmists, who are primarily Leftists, linking “climate change” to the war on women? Na, this isn’t the first time they’ve trotted out a fable about how “climate change” harms women, the question is, why aren’t Warmists changing their own behavior so more women don’t get raped? (Mother Jones) Global […]
February 20, 2014 – 8:42 am
The LA Times has been on a roll as of late with their “climate change” idiocy, here and here, blaming cold and snow and ice on “climate change”. Now we get Climate change brings more crime A new study broadens a notion held by the earliest criminologists: Periods of higher temperatures — on an hour-by-hour […]
February 19, 2014 – 11:25 am
This is how science works in Warmist World: they don’t have to prove their insane ramblings Climate change: time for the sceptics to put up or shut up Say I were to ask you to prove that the dinosaurs were wiped out when an asteroid collided with the Earth 66m years ago, in what is […]
February 16, 2014 – 8:30 am
I mentioned Saturday that Obama took a long fossil fueled plane trip all the way to Fresno, California to complain about “climate change” and announce a $1 billion “climate change” slush fund. Part of the trip was to whine about the drought in California. His “science” adviser, John Holdren ( a believer in Malthusian prophesy), […]
February 8, 2014 – 5:04 pm
Remember when the UK Independent pushed their hyperventilating article Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past? (The website is down, you can see a screengrab here). Well, the NY Times tries their hand at this The End Of Snow? Officials canceled two Olympic test events last February in Sochi after several days of […]