Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Will Cause The Collapse Of Civilization

Nothing like going full apocalyptic, right? But, hey, this is all about science, not a doomsday cult. Of course, it’s right there in the headline Doomsday author’s analysis: How climate change will cause the collapse of civilization Yup Editor’s note: Marshall Brain – futurist, inventor, NCSU professor, writer and creator of “How Stuff Works” –  is a contributor to […]

Climate Cult Upset NYC Has So Many Cops But Unprepared For Climate Doom

So, this happened, in case you missed it State of Emergency in New York City due to flooding. — D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) September 29, 2023 Plenty of videos of this, so, of course NYC Is Totally Unprepared for Climate Disaster (but Has a Lot of Cops) New Yorkers trying to get on the […]

ZOMG: Global Boiling To Kill Off All Mammals!

All because you refuse to live in a tiny home, go vegan, and only buy used clothes Climate change study puts expiration date on all mammals Unprecedented global warming will wipe out all mammals during a mass extinction event in about 250 million years, according to a new study. The world’s continents are predicted to […]

Your Fault: Beer Might Soon Be Endangered From ‘Climate Change

Here we go again. It’s always some sort of fear-mongering to get you to give up your money and freedom One of the World’s Biggest Brewers Says Climate Change Could Cause Beer Shortages Climate change is already impacting just about every industry, and with the way things are going, it’s only going to get much […]

Climate Scientist Rainn Wilson Says Hotcoldwetdry Endangers Ice Cream

Now, if there was anything to anthropogenic climate change threatening ice cream, I might have to go all Fascist. I’ll cut down on most snacks and stuff, but, not ice cream Sorry Ice Cream Lovers—Rainn Wilson Just Told Us Climate Change Might “Endanger” the Treat Yesterday, if you walked through Union Square Park, you would […]

Once Upon A Time: Global Boiling Could Bring More Storms Like Hurricane Lee To New England

This is simply cult activism disguised as journalism, with zero skepticism or research and Journalism 101 by the Associated Press Climate change could bring more storms like Hurricane Lee to New England When it comes to hurricanes, New England can’t compete with Florida or the Caribbean. But once upon a time scientists said Friday that […]

Earth Is Outside “Safe Operating Space For Humanity” Or Something

Strangely, humanity has never done so well as during warm periods, and there have been more advances during the current warm period than any other. But, the climate cult doesn’t care, because this is all about scary people into giving up their money and freedom Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find […]

Fun And Sun Seeking Summer Is Dying Slowly Or Something

Another day, another bit of cult induced doomysaying The Slow Death of the Sun-Seeking Summer Vacation The images emerging from the Mediterranean in late July resembled a fixture of the evening news: the desperate crowd fleeing adversity. But these fugitives walking along hot tarmac or waiting to board rescue boats in the night were not the […]

Your Fault: Global Boiling Could Kill 1 Billion Poor People

The climate cult is really ramping up the fear-mongering. But, we can solve this with a tax and your giving up your freedom! Climate change could result in the deaths of 1 billion poor people Human-induced climate change could lead to the premature deaths of around one billion people in the next century, according to […]

Your Fault: Iowa Could Maybe Possibly Getting More Weddings In The Offseason

Apparently, people cannot handle a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperature since 1850? ‘We’ve seen a lot more weddings in the offseason’: Climate change impacts Iowa wedding season Climate change could be affecting when Iowans get married. Summer used to be the go-to season for couples looking for a wedding date, but many couples are […]

Pirate's Cove