Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Your Fault: Valley Fever Could Maybe Possibly Get Worse

cBS News is breathlessly reporting this without asking important questions. They just do not teach Journalism 101 at the Ivy League schools anymore Valley fever is on the rise in the U.S., and climate change could be helping the fungus spread More than 500,000 Americans could be sickened each year by Valley fever, the disease […]

Global Boiling Made July Hotter For Four Out Of Five People Or Something

It’s doom, doom I tell you. But, see if you can figure out what’s missing from this hyper-cultis Seth Borenstein Associated Press screed that’s being published all over the Credentialed Media Climate change made July hotter for 4 of 5 humans on Earth, scientists find Human-caused global warming made July hotter for four out of five people […]

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Making Cholera Worse

All you have to do is ditch your fossil fueled vehicle and buy an EV, move into a tiny house, stop eating meat, and give your money and freedom to government As climate change leads to more and wetter storms, cholera cases are on the rise In early 2022, nearly 200,000 Malawians were displaced after […]

Your Fault: Up To 700 Plant Species Could Be Eradicated

It’s always some prognostication of doom which is rather open ended with a “if we Do Something this won’t happen” Climate change could wipe out more than 700 plant and lichen species All plants and lichens listed under the Endangered Species Act are sensitive to global warming – but there are few plans in place to address […]

This Summer Is What Climate (cult) Scientists Have Been Complaining About

See, they totally told you, and it is all your fault This summer is what climate change looks like, scientists say The blistering heat threatening lives and fueling wildfires across Southern Europe and North America this July would have been “virtually impossible” without man-made global warming, scientists said on Tuesday. Their findings come as the planet’s ocean […]

Climate Doom Today: Atlantic Ocean Current Might Maybe Possibly Collapse In Two Years

You do know this is your fault, right? If only you had simply Complied. Anyhow, the talking points have gone out Atlantic Ocean current could collapse soon. How you may endure dramatic weather changes. Now this could be something to really worry about. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) – a large system of ocean currents that […]

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Making Hurricane Season Longer

Is there anything it can’t do? Is there any length the climate cultists won’t go to in order to fearmonger? Hurricane season is getting longer because of climate change, researchers say Hurricane season, which officially runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, is getting longer because of climate change, researchers say. “Seven of the last […]

“Study”: Gas Stoves Are Worse Than Cigarettes For Benzene

Remember, they said they weren’t coming for your gas stove, and then do everything to say your gas stove needs to go New study reveals the home appliance that spews more benzene than secondhand smoke: ‘You’re at an elevated risk [of cancer]’ A new study has found that gas-powered appliances can increase the levels of the chemical benzene, […]

Once Upon A Time, Climate Collapse Could Maybe Possibly Happen Fast

Another tipping point could happen soon, and this is all your faul Climate Collapse Could Happen Fast Ever since some of the earliest projections of climate change were made back in the 1970s, they have been remarkably accurate at predicting the rate at which global temperatures would rise. For decades, climate change has proceeded at roughly […]

Your Fault: Climate Doom Threatens US Nuclear Strike Capability

Is this a bad thing, since it would cause issues with the nuclear strike capability of Russia, the UK, France, China, Israel, Pakistan, India, and North Korea, as well as those like Iran who are trying to get nukes? Climate Change Threatens U.S. Nuclear Strike Capability Flooding, rising seas and extreme heat from climate change […]

Pirate's Cove